Very basic juno+julia portable installation(an idea)

On Windows machine, I now usually install a Linux distro in a virtualbox environment, then install Julia. Works well for prototyping, etc… Of course, not a setup for calculations.

I prefer this setup than installing Julia on Windows (or any software on windows actually!).

I find such a solution absurd. To install Virtualbox + Linux only to run Julia?

I use JuliaPro’s distribution on Windows (1 click) plus the nightly build of Julia (1 click) plus
have changed in Atom the setting of JuliaPath to Julia-1.1.0-DEV\bin\julia.exe.

Works like charm and up-to-date!

Well, I do love Linux :slight_smile:

Happens only when I can’t choose the native OS and need to do some work for a substantial amount of time. Windows is just not productive at all imho!

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Maybe we can limit ourselves here to how to use Julia simply and productively on Windows? That was the question.

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Well… the Windows part came further down the thread, not in the original post. But sure, sorry for disrupting the thread. :slight_smile:

I wholeheartedly agree with you, but my organization has an IT group that manages everyone’s machines. That’s one reason that…

  • With minimal effort: I can get peers to install new software on their machines to run my code.
  • WIth much more effort: I can get peers to start using a new machine just to run my code.
    • These are people who generally like Windows and Matlab, despite my protestations. :wink:

I’m an avid fan of Julia and lately I’ve been thinking a lot more about strategies to have others easily run my Julia code.