What if I want a simpler IDE for Julia?

If VSCode had the same feature support as neovim I would gladly switch. But I can never get all my keybindings and code navigation tools to completely transfer over.

Funny, I think exactly the other way around. I mean, that VS dark theme is infinitely better


FWIW, the contrast is clearly lower, the stats show everyone downloading other themes (which apparently is mostly Atomā€™s), and I got shamed when I had the two up and some designer friends saw the VS Code one. Thatā€™s not to say no one can like it, itā€™s definitely personal! But it does have lower readability, stats showing that people generally change from it, and it doesnā€™t follow modern design trends. That at least points to it not being a good default, but a fine choice for someone who wants it!

(Are there any other editors that ever kept a low contrast color scheme default for a long time?)

Low contrast?
Atom on the left and VS on the right. It seems to my eyes that VS has a pretty higher contrast.

I was trying to find out how someone could find the function pastel yellow vs the standard white in VS Code more different than the teal vs white of Atom, and I just couldnā€™t. Then I showed your screenshot to someone and they didnā€™t even realize the function was a different color from the text. So yes, if the colors are so close that they blend together for some people, it will look like the colors that you can make out contrast more, but IMO thatā€™s alright highlighting a problem (pun intended).

The VS Code background is darker, so it has a higher full contrast, but then its color pallet still is more similar between the categories. It should at least go vim style if the background is close to a true black.

Though the dark green comments are nicer, but it needs a different undertone.

Yes, function color could be more contrasting but I got used to it and my brain immediately tells the difference against the neighboring white text.

Just change the theme

FWIW, Iā€™d personally switch to VS Code in a heartbeat over Atom if it werenā€™t for an annoying ā€œMissing Referenceā€ issue Iā€™ve been facing. Aside from that, VS Code seems like a much better experience for me.


I donā€™t think you need to be worried about that. Most people I know still use atom.

I also transferred from Atom to VS code, because of some problems after updating Juno to new versions and some bugs Juno problem, update Juno fails. After using Juno for over two years, I transferred to VS code this year, and never face installation or updating problems during using VS code on Windows, linux and Mac.

I know many people do not like the product of Microsoft, which is a not open-source or non-profit organization. Just according to my own experience, VS code is more robust than Atom. For example, when I opened a CSV file (around 40Mb) on Mac, Atom crashed, but VS code can work smoothly.

In the early days, Juno is almost the only selection for the people who already used to the GUI such as PyCharm, Eclipse or VS Studio. Thanks for the authors of both Juno and VS code Julia extension, who provide different selections for people having different background on different platform.

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Well, Microsoft owns GitHub (and therefore atom) now, so MS haters are out of luck on that front. I guess atom is open source itself though, is VS code also?



I think that almost all IDE (plugin) development for Julia is done by existing users of various editors. So if people like VS Code, this will automatically happen.

Nay. I am pretty sure that Vim 8.1 is the new Vim, and Emacs 26.3 is the new Emacs. I just checked. :wink:


The problem is that the VS Code plugin consists of three different packages, and how these packages communicate between each other is not documented. So it is very hard to contribute to the development. :frowning:


Anyone remembers Light Table? I remember it was pretty good for Julia and (if I remember correctly) was the precursor to Juno.


If there were documentation for VsCode Julia packages, we could use those even inside Atom. Check my issue for using StaticLint inside Atom

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Does vscode have data viewer and workspace? I could not find that

Data viewer (if you mean a grid view) yes (data |> vscodedisplay). Workspace viewer no.

are there any examples of generating pdf files with jmd files in vscode? i have to use R markdown for writing Julia tutorials.

Youā€™ll just write a .jmd file, and then there is a command Julia: Weave to file... that offers an option to save as a PDF.