Thank you so much! When uninstall tool-bar and install the juno-toolbar-plus. Then I got the following error when install julia client as follows which is an existing Bug reported.
You shouldn’t uninstall tool-bar! That is needed for Juno-Toolbar-plus. Install toolbar again and restart Atom
Juno features are much more and better than VS code plugin
Thanks! when I turn on the Tool-bar on the left, some buttons are still not shown. Juno-Toolbar-plus provide many useful functions. If it is integrated with the original one, not two bars, it would be better.
Juno provide many useful features. However, there are two many packages in Juno, and some time the user should fix different problems from different packages. I feel Juno is not stable as VS code, which provide one package for the end user. Much easier to install and update.
I will keep using VS code, which is Ok for the daily work.
Just restart your Atom two times after installation of Juno-Toolbar-Plus and the other extra toolbar will become hidden!
If you install uber-juno it will install all the Juno files. In terms of features, Juno is much more mature. Don’t expect any changes in the Juno unless Atom switches from JavaScript to something else!
I know the original bar is hiden. Not all the buttons in original bar can be found in “Juno-Toolbar-Plus”, such as “show Debug Windows”. Thus I open the original bar in the “Julia Cllient” setting.
Juno-toolbar-plus looks very good. It would be better to merge these two bars. The user would be confused by two bars which have some overlap of the buttons. Juno has a lot of features. Thanks for work from all the contributors which let Julia users have similar powerful IDE as other languages! Hope it would be better.
There is a fix for this committed to atom-julia-client repo in Github done 4 days ago.
Here a link to the commit in case you like to apply same changes temporarily while waiting next release: Update