Juno... how to save layout?

I have installed Atom with Juno add-on, i.e., manually. During my session, I have a layout of panes as follows:

A couple of questions:

  1. Is it possible to save this layout, i.e., with editor window in the upper left corner, plot window in the upper right, and the REPL at the bottom, so that next time I start Juno, it starts with this layout?
  2. Is it possible to start Juno with the REPL already activated, so that I don’t have to do that manually every time?
  3. It seems like an editor window that was started prior to activating the REPL is not by default interpreted as a Julia file. Is there a way around this?

For 1, this package may help: save-workspace


+1 for adding custom default layout


For 1, this package may help: https://atom.io/packages/save-workspace

This does most of the work, which is great! But it does not save the layout of the panes on the right (where the git and github tabs are displayed). Custom default layout option in Juno would be preferable.

We already have that exactly… See


This is great. Thank you @aviatesk !

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