Please help me fix this. How can I start Julia from Atom… I get this message in the picture.
Thank you loads in advance
Did you try to go the Juno settings and add the path to the julia.exe?
I am totally a newbie. Can you explain more, pls?
Go to the menu bar at the top of Atom. You should have a Juno tab with a lot of options. Scroll down to settings and the Julia Client settings pane will open. There you will find a Julia executable path. Fill it with the julia.exe like: C:\Julia-1.3.1\bin\julia.exe
You can also check: Juno - JuliaLang. The developers post periodically stuff about updates.
@mayar : You can find step by step installation of julia in Atom Atom and Juno: the perfect duo for Julia development - TechyTok
Moreover, you can add julia.exe location to path in Environmental variables. julia.exe path will be in location something look like this C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Julia-1.1.1\bin
I worked… Thank you loads