Hi all,
I’m Matteo Ipri and I write to you on behalf of my employer ARPM (https://www.arpm.co).
At ARPM we develop educational material about quantitative finance.
During the years we have written much code in several programming languages to support the theory and the exercises that are exposed in our Lab.
In the last year we integrated JupyterHub in our Lab to let the students and the users run the code in the cloud.
If you would like to take a tour of the Lab and the code we host, you can register to the website and we can give you an early access to that code on the Lab.
Every year we organize a week-long event, the Bootcamp: an Intensive, heavily quantitative, comprehensive 6-day course, with 50 hours of instruction (lectures and practice sessions) and several networking possibilities in New York.
This year we are organizing an Open Source Conference on the day before the Bootcamp and we would be honored to have some talks about how Free and Oper Source Software can be used in the finance world and the benefits it has over closed-source counterparts.
Is anyone willing to take part?
More than 300 attendees will be at the event and we think this is another great opportunity to spread the word about FOSS!
I look forward to hearing from you and feel free to ask for more information.
Thanks for your attention,
Matteo Ipri