Is there an equivalent to hitting ]
when using Julia 0.7 in Jupyter? In 0.6 it was possible to e.g. Pkg.add("PackageName")
in Jupyter – is something equivalent still possible with Julia 0.7?
I think using Pkg; Pkg.add("PackageName")
will continue to work going forward. The package REPL is convenient but not required.
That said, it might just work if you do:
]add Packagename
in Jupyter. Does that work?
I get syntax: unexpected "]"
so no, it doesn’t seem to unfortunately.
I could use the method you describe, but it requires knowing the Pkg
API beyond just the commands from the package REPL mode. For instance Pkg.add("Gaston#master")
doesn’t work, one has to know that the equivalent is Pkg.checkout("Gaston")
(at least I think it is!).
You can run Pkg REPL commands with the pkg
string macro:
using Pkg
pkg"add Foo"
pkg"rm Bar"