I made a MWE that emulates the kind of problem I have:
f = Figure()
gl = GridLayout()
f.layout[1,1] = gl
for i in 1:2, j in 1:2
gl[i,j] = a = Axis(f)
for (i,data) in enumerate([rand(100) for i in 1:(j == 2 ? 3 : 5)])
boxplot!(a, fill(i,100), data)
if j == 2
hideydecorations!(a, grid = false)
colsize!(gl, 1, Relative(5/8))
Label(f[1,0], "A common y label", rotation = pi/2, tellheight = false)
Label(f[2,1:2], "A common x label", tellwidth = false)
To obtain
I know it may sound as a silly detail, but because I hide the y-decorations of the second column in the GL, the spacing between the xticks is not the same (if you use a ruler).
I’d like to know if there’s a way to set the relative colsize wrt the content of the axes only?
EDIT: Actually, the x-spines of the axes are correctly 5/8-3/8. The problem is more that the width of the boxes are not the same and thus the space between ticks neither.
Many thanks