Is there a way I can align the xticks of ax_1 and ax_2 such that similar numbers are at the same x position? I guess this is only possible by changing the size of the whole subplot?
I’ve added colsize!(fig.layout, 1, Relative(0.45)) and now the 20 is inline in the first and second plot. So, of course I could try to approximately align them with limits and colsize but I was hoping for something more elegant.
If I add linkxaxes!(ax_1, ax_2)ax_2 has the same limits as ax_1. So no, this isn’t what I’m looking for.
use colsize!(fig.layout, 1, Auto(X)) where X is a factor vs the other Auto columns. If you make the factors mirror the limit ranges, you’ll get what you want I think
I want the grid lines between the first plot and the second one perfectly lined up as show with the red lines. So the 20 of the first plot should be aligned to the 20 of the second one, etc.
If the limits or axis widths change then the computed width will not be correct anymore. One could probably set this up via observables but it’s not necessary if you don’t change the figure like that after setting the width.