Willing to make open source contributions, getting started with GSoC

Hello everyone! I am Vedika Chandra, a first year student in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at IIT (BHU) Varanasi. I am willing to make open source contributions to the organization but I’m pretty unsure how to go ahead with it. How can I proceed further, what are the pre-requisites and the best resources to get started with? Please do guide me for the same.
Thank You!


The most general advice is:

Find a topic you are interested in.
Find a project related to that topic.
Write code using that project.
Talk about that code somewhere - here on Discourse, Slack, write a blog etc.
Improve the project code somehow, either fix an issue or add a feature.
Submit a Pull Request to the Project with your new code.


Hi @Vedika. Did you have already a look at the GSoC projects and application guidelines here?

Thank you so much for your suggestions! I would start working on the same. Could you please share some resources from where I could begin learning Julia language?

Yes, I did go through them, but I’m pretty confused about the project I should go ahead with as of now.

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Thank you so much!