GSOC mentoring and guidance searched

Hi everyone! I’m José Joaquín Zubieta Rico. I’m a student of a Bachelor program in Computer Science at the University of Guanajuato (Universidad de Guanajuato) and CIMAT (Research Institute of Mathematics) in México. I’ve been using Julia for a couple of years as part of a research project and for work at my school.
Love the language, the environment and the community around it. I’m really interested in contributing to an open source project and I think the Julia ecosystem is a really nice fit giving my area of study and interest (scientific computing in general, but specific in machine learning, numerical methods, and a hobby reading about programming language theory, compilers and HPC).
I would really like if someone could give me mentoring and guidance on the ecosystem, the language and how to get more involved, solve issues and contribute with new projects and ideas. Really exited to be able to contribute!


There are projects listed on the JSoC page: Projects Some of those might fit your interests? If you’re interested in low-level things like compilers, JuliaInterpreter (the foundation of the debugger) can also use some love and might have some fun projects.