What if I want a simpler IDE for Julia?

No i told another thing about. - if you feel difference
between one click installation, and the situation
when you MUST browse through couple of forums before
the installation will work well… OK I must say, IT
people do the same.

2 zhangliye The difference between Juno and its VS code counterpart is merely trade off between the comfort, slowness, some instabilities vs relatively high coding productivity and stability. Typically if you perform more datamining or ML - you stick to Juno… If you do more of pure coding - you like vs code. If you concentrate solely on coding (on the component writing, for example) - you may prefer sublime (or another ‘light’ editor) +plugin solution.

I really don’t get what you mean by simple. ‘Simple’ has been said many times in this thread, but now you’re saying debugger, project management, and comparing it to Octave?

What you’re talking about is not a simple IDE. You appear to want a highly advanced IDE, that has only exactly the features that you use in your personal workflow, and that’s dead simple to install and use from behind a corporate firewall… Come on.


of course it is NOT(simple) but Julia is not pretend to be just a language for scientific working with extended library bundled in…- it prefers to be recognized as platform with elaborated ecosystem for scientific working. So do Octave on more or less degree (though with much less advertising). and it is MAIN reason for my comparing…
Yet it is not me who is the topic starter… i just answer the questions… and I have no negative experience with Octave (behind firewall and proxy)… finally, I can “come on” , but with you certainly i will not.

I know you are not the OP, you were just being overly demanding.

And also contradicting yourself by saying you just want a simple IDE, yet also a complicated, advanced IDE. It should have lots of features, but not the ‘superfluous stuff’.


No I do NOT DEMAND ANYTHING from anyone… i do not complane or ever mean to do so… I just talk about the things in the way as i see 'em

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JuliaPro requires signing in, and also it doesn’t allow updating the Atom itself. Also, a lot of packages are curated and so they are locked (most of the time you can’t latest bug fixes)

I wish we could make a command/installer separeate from Julia Computing.

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Amin, :slight_smile: I do hope you understand that update locking is ONLY way to reach (or to ensure) of less or more reliable and smooth enduser experience with the such big bundle as JuliaPro is… So update locking is not the matter of absence of the feature(or poor design)… it just reflects the situation that we have with Julia platform ecosystem currently. But unless my senses mislead me severely the situation with the ecosystem is much better than a year ago…

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The benefits that we gain from locking updates is much less than the benefits of letting user decide.


:slight_smile: indeed , it does but from viewpoint of yours… hehe the aim of JuliaPro bundle creators if I am not mistaken - were making of some position on the corporate market which lives with other (in somewhat different) rules and notions…

I think that is a very personal opinion and in no way typically true. Where do you get this impression from?
Where I work (which is very ML/data science driven) everyone uses something different. I use Sublime + Plugins, others use PyCharm, Matlab, Rstudio, Atom, Jupyter Lab and so on.
And now I want to invest some time into vim because I like the “lightweight” feel and ubiquitous availability on almost every linux machine.


you are right , it is my opinion… your opinion may be quite different…

If you’re in a situation where you can’t easily install/update Juno (e.g. behind a corporate firewall) then having fixed versions of all involved packages is a good thing. You can also switch JuliaPro to the General registry.

Personally, if I could imagine my ideal IDE for Julia, it would look a lot like the Godot game engine IDE or a Smalltalk image. Completely written in Julia itself, and providing a fully dynamic cross-platform GUI framework at the same time.

Here’s what my vim+i3 setup looked like a few years ago, I still use it liks this since then

I am so happy with vim+i3 setup, it’s the best of all worlds, allowing plotting windows, REPL + editors windows, and LaTeX editing in the best way possible.

Also, I created a VerTeX.jl package to help me organize non-linear LaTeX documents and launch the vim editor from the REPL in a programmatic way.

Was planning to make a video showing my setup someday, but haven’t gotten around to it yet… I ended up doing some cool math or programming stuff and having fun with the Julia setup instead of making a demo video.


They aren’t self inflicted. IT isn’t doing that to itself, and I am not doing it to myself. Instead, it is IT doing it to me.

I have filed tickets with IT about WSL and proxies. The first person I talked to escalated it. The second person came to see me, expecting that all he would have to do is enter a password so that everything works. After it didn’t, he told me to try to get a Mac (I’ll try to do that), and that working there means learning not how to solve problems, but work around them as best as you can. He escalated the problem further.
Maybe it will work in another few weeks.

Once it does work, and I can actually access the internet in WSL, emacs will not work because in the year-old Windows version they are on, there is a bug making emac’s display a jumbled mess. The Windows version released last May fixed at least part of the problem (some folks on the github issue complained about other problems), but we cannot use the fix.

I vent because those free tools I am familiar with and depend on work flawlessly at home and can be set up in minutes, yet it takes months to get awkward inferior and buggy solutions at work, thanks to all the help from IT.
I haven’t had many problems with Outlook, Office, or Skype though. That’s IT’s job.

Using cygwin to ssh into their Linux cluster is the best approach I’ve found so far. Disconnects, causing me to lose my session, aren’t that common.

This corporate environment affords me a lot of time to work on developing open source tools in Julia. I’m very happy with the position itself. It’s the restrictions inflicted upon me by IT that I do not like.

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Wow. Good ol’ academic environment where most of the time I am on my own fixing things. Sounds much better than what you describe.


Unfortunately, academia and industry tend to overcomplicate the most simple things and tooling. Simple things can’t be accomplished due to the bureaucratic baggage that comes with an army of administrative staff.

If we had a simpler academia and industry, then the simpler IDE problem might be more simply solved. Imagine hiring an entire staff of administrators to do a simple job that a single person could do in minutes.

In the future, I think the most successful and innovative people will not be in academia or industry, because of all the baggage that prevents simple innovations. Academia should enable people to do more, instead it resricts and holds people back from achieving simple goals.

Sorry if it’s getting off topic and generalized.


A bit of over-generalization, perhaps?

Off topic, but using screen or tmux can often limit the damage from disconnects

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If you exclude industry and academia, what is left? just curious…