VS Code extension v0.7 released

We released v0.7.0 of the julia VS Code extension to the marketplace.

This new version has massive amount of improvements and bug fixes to the IntelliSense features, mostly thanks to @ZacLN, and some other new features:

  • In general the IntelliSense features should work with many more corner cases, be more robust etc. We fixed many, many bugs during the release candidate phase thanks to some fantastic bug reports, so I’m pretty optimistic that this should be the most stable version we have released so far.
  • We use the VS Code task system for running builds, tests and benchmarks now. If you open a folder, the extension will automatically detect whether that folder has a build, test or benchmark script. If it does, it will add detected tasks to the default list of tasks in VS Code, and you can run those tasks via the VS Code task runner.
  • We now support the rename refactoring in the editor.
  • We added a reload modules command.

If you do find bugs, please report them at GitHub - julia-vscode/julia-vscode: Julia extension for Visual Studio Code. If things work just fine, we don’t mind feedback either, always helps with the motivation :slight_smile:

David & Zac


Thank you for all your work on this extension. It’s really useful.

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VS Code has become my primary editor now for julia packages, it’s really nice to use. I’m really looking forward to the integrated debugger feature.
For interactive work I’m still using jupyter notebooks more often, even for package testing (maybe I’m not doing that part right…).
Anyway, thanks a lot for all the great work and the amazingly quick bug fixes!

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I installed it on Ubuntu 16.04 to test it and observed the following problems:

  1. The repository is often unavailable
  2. The julia language server keeps crashing, I should have the latest tagged version of the language server and the julia language extension.
  3. I have files in my home folder which I use for quick testing, e.g. ~/test.jl and when I open them VSCode tries to parse everything in my home folder and consumes a lot of cpu time for a very long time.

on top of the julia process consuming 100% of one core, vscode consumes an additional 100-130%. The julia process gets killed by vscode with the message: “The jula Language Server server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted.” and then does not consume any more cpu time.

Do you have the setting “julia.executablePath” pointing to your Julia-0.6 install?

yes, it points to the 0.6 install

As an intro, it’d be awesome to have a video demonstration. It appears the video supplier bungled the one from julia-con 17, but if you do another installment with a screen feed it would be a really nice resource.

@gdkrmr, that sounds like it’s not even starting up, could you open an issue on github and I’ll see if I can work out whats going on


I don´t get an “Update to 0.7.0” option on VS code 1.12.1. If I remove the extension manually and reinstall it, it seems like it still installs the 0.6.2 version (or is the version tag in the red circle wrong?). See figure below. Anyone else experiencing this behavior?

You’ll have to update to vscode 1.14.+ to use the latest version I’m afraid

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@ZacLN: In the messages I can see the Language Server crashing, shouldn’t I open the issue in the Language Server repsitory? I guess that the other issues are not related to the Julia language support in VSCode, so they probably belong to other repositories.

In general opening issues on either repo is fine, although in this case I think it’s more likely a communication problem between vscode and the server.


Do we need to install “Julia language highlight support” if we already have the extension “Julia 0.7” installed?
What’s the difference between using “Julia extension 0.7” and “Code runner”?

Could @davidanthoff please point on some examples of such scripts? Build/benchmark scripts is a cool feature, want to try.

If you open the Tokenize.jl directory in the vscode package directory you should be able to run the benchmarks

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Hmm, I do have

    "julia.runlinter": false,

but (annoying) Linter is still there. And furthermore it’s saying that type is deprecated, which is a 0.7 thing while I’m clearly declaring the path to 0.6

Thank you @ZacLN! So convention is that build scripts should be gathered into the top-level build directory alongside with src, test, benchmark? Would it work for nested, inside src, directories? Like some module will have it’s own build directory and scripts.

The only thing you need is this. The “Julia language highlight support” as far as I can tell is not maintained and I think the normal julia extension covers everything that one does. I don’t know Code Runner, but you don’t need it for the julia VS Code extension.