I would like to connect to a computer in my university network with Juno to use a remote session. Currently I’m able to do it using a Ubuntu submachine on my local Windows. The thing is I have to go through a gateway to access any server in the network and the connection to the gateway uses a rsa key file that I have locally stored. I have a .ssh/config file setup with the ProxyCommand.
When I connect it goes like this:
I type > ssh name_of_the_server_in_the_config_file
I am prompted for a password to decrypt the rsa file
I am prompted for the password of my remote session
ftp-remote-edit 's open SSH option offers only the possibility of direct ssh connection. Also, I have different usernames on the gateway and my remote machine.
I don’t know much about networking so ask me questions if I am not clear about what I need.
I clicked on the key next to the tunnel to select the rsa file and when I clicked the play button I was asked for the password. The tunnel seems to be running.
What does this do exactly ? Does it mean I can connect using other applications (i.e. Atom) to this port now ?
My bad. I read Jupyter when I should have seen Juno.
If I am correct, you should be able to connect to localhost port 24 with Juno and you will be on the remote machine.
Actually on a Linux system ports <1024 are privileged ports and you should have chosen a high number for the Local Client port. SO I would normally choose something high.
But on Windows - I have an embarrasing gap in my knowledge.
Yes I saw that documentation but the terminology is a bit obscure to me, hence my post here. I must go but I’ll try that section tomorrow and tell you what.