I am trying to plot columns of a dataframe and tried to run the example here.
using StatsPlots, RDatasets
iris = DataFrame(dataset("iris"))
@df iris scatter(
group = :Species,
m = (0.5, [:+ :h :star7], 12),
bg = RGB(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
I keep getting the following error:
UndefVarError: scatter not defined
[1] (::var"#21#22")(309::DataFrame)
@ Main ./none:0
[2] top-level scope
@ In[37]:2
[3] eval
@ ./boot.jl:360 [inlined]
[4] include_string(mapexpr::typeof(REPL.softscope), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String)
@ Base ./loading.jl:1116
I have tried other backends and i get errors like: MethodError: no method matching getproperty(::Char, ::String)
Could someone please help me understand what I am doing wrong?
I am new to julia.