Scatter plot

Hi, I’m new to the JULIA language and I’m having trouble plotting a scatter plot.
The command entered was:

using PyPlot
scatter(X.d, X.b, facecolor = “none”, edgecolors=“orange”, s=20, label=“xxx”)

Then an error message appears:

WARNING: both StatsPlots and PyPlot export “scatter”; uses of it in module Main must be qualified
ERROR: UndefVarError: scatter not defined

Anybody help me?


No, same error message.

You should not be using StatsPlots and using PyPlot at the same time. Try restarting your REPL session and

using StatsPlots

Now the following error message appears:
(using: scatter(X.d, X.b, facecolor = “none”, edgecolors=“orange”, s=20, label=“xxx”))

ERROR: Unknown key: edgecolors

When i use: PyPlot.scatter(X.d, X.b, facecolor = “none”, edgecolors=“orange”, s=20, label=“xxx”)

The message that appears is: PyObject <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x0000000053BDD288>


Second one sounds like it worked then, even though it didn’t display. I think you should consult the docs

You should not use StatsPlots if you want to use the PyPlot syntax. Try your code from the OP in a fresh REPL.

Ok, I will review the code.
