Eror UndefVarError: plot not defined

I am getting this error: UndefVarError: plot not defined

Here is my code:

# Packages
using Pkg
#using Plots
using DifferentialEquations
using PyPlot

# Parameters
i = 1.25 # 0.089;%nutrient input HG 4.5 gram per 4 days, LG 1 gram per four days, on fourth day 4/45/4=1.25
f = .25 #0.0015; %nutrient removal, I/f = 50? 100% every four days=.25 per day
u = .4#uptake by X red
w = 1.14 #1.14;%uptake by green
a = 1.19 #  growth rate for red X is ln(2)*24/14
d = .25 #.005;%death of P red
s = .02 #10;%numerical half saturation X uptake red, controls passage to quiescence
b = 0.55 # growth rate for green Y is ln(2)*24/30
e = .15 #death of Q green 
r = 5 #numerical half saturation Y uptake green
m = 0 #.05;0 when looking at single pop
q = .00001
h =1 # return loop P to X
v = .03 # half saturation for return loop P to X

# Time
maxtime = 30
tspan = (0.0, maxtime)

# Dose
stim = 50

# Initial conditions
x0 = [100 1 20.0 200.0 200.0]

# Model equations
function system(dy, y, p, t)

V = y[1]
X = y[2]
Y = y[3]
P = y[4]
Q = y[5]

V, X, Y, P, Q, = y
T = X+Y
E = (V)./(v+T+V)
A = (V)./(s+V)
B = (V)./(r+T+V)
C =  X./(X+Y+q)
D = Y./(X+Y+q)

  dy[1] = i - f.*V - u.*X.*A- w.*Y.*B
  dy[2] = a.*X.*A  - a.*X.*(1-A) + m.*P - m.*P.*C + h.*P.*E
  dy[3] = b.*Y.*B -e.*Y - b.*Y.*(1-B) - m.*P.*D
  dy[4] = a.*X.*(1-A) - m.*P + m.*P.*C - d.*P - h.*P.*E
  dy[5] = b.*Y.*(1-B) + m.*P.*D - e.*Q

# Events
function condition1(y, t, integrator)
    t - 6.0
function condition2(y, t, integrator)

function affect!(integrator)
    integrator.u[1] += stim

cb1 = ContinuousCallback(condition1, affect!)
cb2 = ContinuousCallback(condition2, affect!)
cb = CallbackSet(cb1,cb2)
# Solve
prob = ODEProblem(system, x0, tspan)
sol = solve(prob, Rodas4(), callback = cb)

# Plotting
#plot(sol, layout = (2, 3))
legends = [:V :X :Y :P :Q]
#linetypes = = [:path :steppre :steppost :sticks :scatter]
#plot(sol, line=(linetypes, 3), background_color=RGB(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), layout = (2, 3), #xlim=(0, 10), label=map(string, legends))

plot(sol, vars=(0,4),background_color=RGB(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), xaxis="Time",label = "P", lw=3,ls=:dash)

#xlabel(''Time (days)'')
# title!("TITLE")
# yaxis!("YLABEL", :log10)

UPDATE: I ran it again after posting this question and I got another error: UndefVarError: RGB not defined. I am not sure what’s going on.

That syntax is only for Plots.jl. It looks like you’re not using Plots.jl, so you need to construct the plotting vectors manually.

How can I use plots.jl?

using Plots
1 Like

I tried that earlier and got this error:

WARNING: both PyPlot and Plots export "plot"; uses of it in module Main must be qualified

**ERROR:** LoadError: UndefVarError: plot not defined


[1] top-level scope at **none:0**

[2] **include** at **./boot.jl:326** [inlined]

[3] **include_relative(** ::Module, ::String **)** at **./loading.jl:1038**

[4] **include(** ::Module, ::String **)** at **./sysimg.jl:29**

[5] **include(** ::String **)** at **./client.jl:403**

[6] top-level scope at **none:0**

in expression starting at

Delete the line using PyPlot.

Tried that as well. Here is the error:

**ERROR:** LoadError: UndefVarError: plot not defined


Also, I closed and reopened the terminal, ran the file again and got this error:

**ERROR:** LoadError: error compiling _plot!: error compiling _display: could not load library ""

dlopen(, 1): image not found

The error message changes everytime and that’s what’s more confusing. Is there a free GUI that I could use for Julia?

Try ]build Plots. Looks like the plot library did not build probably on your computer.

@ChrisRackauckas that did not help

I’d have to know what code you’re running and what error you got. It’s likely not related to this issue.

May be try using Plots.plot ???


It works! Thanks!

Quick note in case someone is monitoring this - I also had the error:

julia> plot(f)
Error showing value of type Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend}:
ERROR: could not load library ""
dlopen(, 1): image not found

But it was very odd, because I’ve been happily plotting regularly in several local project environments. The only difference was I set up a new project environment with only Plots and Zygote added - but I could only plot after doing the manual build (pkg> build Plots). Weird.

Sometimes you lose internet when the binary is downloading and that could cause this problem.


Worked here! I’ve just restarted the jupyter and run the cells again, perfection.

Not sure this was the issue, but it might have been for me when I got this error, and it might help someone else, 2 years after the birth of this thread.

Sometimes it is probably better to call libraries with import Plots and then call the functions with Plots.plot() rather than with using Plots and then calling them with plot() because there may be conflicts between different functions (belonging to different libraries) which bear the same name.


which exactly works in my case, many thanks!