In my package AppliAR,
I have defined tests in runtests.jl. The tests run successfully.
When I add AppliAR (#dev) to another project and run test AppliAR
I get the message: ERROR: Cannot develop
package with the same name or uuid as the project.
The sub-modules are Domain, API, Infrastructure, and Report. I am using Julia 1.3.1.
What am I doing wrong?
Run test from another project
(AppliMaster) pkg> st
Status `~/julia-projects/tc/AppliMaster/Project.toml`
[1e47966d] AppliAR v0.3.4 #dev (
[69311175] AppliGeneralLedger v0.1.0
[c1345d04] AppliSales v0.1.2
[df971d30] Rocket v1.2.4
(AppliMaster) pkg> test AppliAR
Testing AppliAR
ERROR: Cannot `develop` package with the same name or uuid as the project
runtest.jl top
using AppliAR
using Test
using AppliSales
using AppliGeneralLedger
using Dates
@testset "Orders" begin
orders = AppliSales.process()
@test length(orders) == 3
@test orders[1] == "Scrooge Investment Bank"
@test orders[1] == "Learn Smiling"