ERROR: ArgumentError: Package ... is required but does not seem to be installed: - Run `Pkg.instantiate()` to install all recorded dependencies

Hi all,

I am struggling to add/use my own package that I was using only a few days ago. so far I have tried a few options and even nuked .julia folder and strated from scratch, but no luck. Another message I get when I want to dev the package is
“Error: cannot develop package with the same name or uuid as this project”
I also changed the uuid, but still no luck.
Any advice is appreciated.


did you make sure to wrap all your code in module ... end? I got that error the other day and I had overlooked that.

yes, the problem is that I didn’t change anything form the time it used to work, I only had to restart and update my mac which then triggered this issue.

Did you rm the package first and then try to dev?

yes, I cleaned the .julia folder and started from scratch. Still no luck.

I think you might be starting with julia --project and then trying to dev inside that project.

dev is something you do from a different environment. Once you are in that folder you don’t need to dev.

For instance, I just did ] generate test, then closed out of julia and cdd into test and did julia --project. Then I did dev "." and got a similar error

(test) pkg> dev "."
[ Info: Resolving package identifier `.` as a directory at `~/Desktop/test`.
Path `.` exists and looks like the correct package. Using existing path.
ERROR: package `test [c9d88495]` has the same name or UUID as the active project

that is true, it is resolved, the other issue was that I had to first manually install all the dependencies and then dev the package, whereas I expected the dev automatically install all the dependencies as well, not sure why this happened though.

I have the same problem again today, it turns out even when I clean .julia folder, install all dependencies and dev the package outside the package environment (in v1.5) environment, and even when I see my package name in the status, using gives me this error :

" ERROR: ArgumentError: Package … is required but does not seem to be installed: - Run Pkg.instantiate() to install all recorded dependencies"

Any other ideas as to why I am facing to weird behaviour? much appreciated.

Another issue I noticed was that the module name and module file name are all in lowercase, but the VScode automatically changes the file name to uppercase and that causes the several issues.

You shouldn’t have to install all the dependencies manually. Are you sure you have a manifest or project.toml in the directory of your package?

VScode automatically changes the file name to uppercase and that causes the several issues.

That’s weird, and kind of annoying. Best stick with everything being upper case I guess and see if the problem goes away.