I am trying to set up a new package. I am using what I believe to be a standard Travis script as per
- julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(pwd()); Pkg.build("ImagePhaseCongruency"); Pkg.test("ImagePhaseCongruency"; coverage=true)'
However I end up with the error
ERROR: Cannot add package with the same name or uuid as the project
I have no understanding of how the error comes about, or how I might address it. I have, indeed, been developing the package in a project of the same name but this would appear to be the standard thing to do as suggested in the documentation
To avoid the Pkg.clone()
deprecation message I have also been using
- julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="https://github.com/peterkovesi/ImagePhaseCongruency.jl")); Pkg.build("ImagePhaseCongruency"); Pkg.test("ImagePhaseCongruency"; coverage=true)'
This results in the same error on Travis. However when I run this command from a terminal directly on my machine using a bare installation of v1.0.1 with no packages installed it does result in a successful build of my package.
Looking at other (somewhat dated) mentions of this error in Discourse don’t seem to give me any clues. I presume I am missing something simple and obvious.