I’m not sure this is the right place to post this but I’m trying to accomplish something like this: OpenStreetMapX_tutorial but with real coordinates.
Anyways, my problems is that the end result of the loop
map = flm.Map()
for k ∈ length(routes)
path_coords = [LLA(m.nodes[n], m.bounds) for n in routes[k]]
info = "Route number $k\n<BR>" *
"Length: $(length(routes[k])) nodes\n<br>" *
"From $(routes[k][1]) $(round.((path_coords[1].lat, path_coords[1].lon), digits=4))<br>" *
"To $(routes[k][end]) $(round.((path_coords[end].lat, path_coords[end].lon), digits=4))"
[ (loc.lat, loc.lon) for loc in path_coords ],
is to draw just the last path. It’s as if it doesn’t mutate the map instantiated outside the loop, but rather creates a new one with every path_coords
. Here is a picture where the tooltip confirms to me that it is the last set of points
If step through them manually, like so
path_coords = [LLA(m.nodes[n], m.bounds) for n in routes[1]]
info = "Route number $(1)\n<BR>" *
"Length: $(length(routes[1])) nodes\n<br>" *
[ (loc.lat, loc.lon) for loc in path_coords ],
I can draw them individually on a different map each. This is the first one, for instance:
And here’s the fifth for completeness
Please let me know if this a sufficient working example…
Here’s the map Geofabrik Download Server
Here’s 10 coordinates
ptsOrig = [(40.40035, -3.70306), (40.47780807, -3.69849334), (40.4377299, -3.6800531), (40.4211153, -3.6879227), (40.41384654, -3.69493838), (40.471597, -3.682403), (40.48230943, -3.67061352), (40.4239884, -3.6864495), (40.406806, -3.691947), (40.44236981, -3.65546398)]
ptsDest = [(40.40647374, -3.68861037), (40.4766087, -3.6876792), (40.423677, -3.6848885), (40.4429993, -3.67984459), (40.42625779, -3.69331498), (40.4170684, -3.6756673), (40.40042329, -3.61914136), (40.43208461, -3.68719853), (40.4431324, -3.6743115), (40.43723621, -3.66986241)]
And the code I’ve used to make them conformable to OpenStreetMap
startEndNodes = collect(zip(
[point_to_nodes(pt, mad) for pt in ptsOrig if inbounds(LLA(pt[1], pt[2]), mad.bounds) ],
[point_to_nodes(pt, mad) for pt in ptsDest if inbounds(LLA(pt[1], pt[2]) , mad.bounds) ]
routes = Vector{Vector{Int}}()
for (s,e) in startEndNodes
if s != e
route, route_time = OpenStreetMapX.shortest_route(mad, s, e)
if route_time < Inf
push!(routes, route)
Please let me know if you need anything else, thanks!