How to draw a folium.folium.Map object using pycall and Julia?

I’m reading the tutorial following this link: OpenStreetMapX_tutorial
More specifically, the code I’m running is the following:

using PyCall
flm = pyimport("folium")
matplotlib_cm = pyimport("")
matplotlib_colors = pyimport("matplotlib.colors")

cmap = matplotlib_cm.get_cmap("prism")

m = flm.Map()
for k=1:min(SHOW_PATHS, length(routes))
    locs = [LLA(mx.nodes[n],mx.bounds) for n in routes[k]]
    info = "Sample route number $k\n<BR>"*
        "Length: $(length(routes[k])) nodes\n<br>" *
        "From: $(routes[k][1]) $(round.((locs[1].lat, locs[1].lon),digits=4))\n<br>" *
        "To: $(routes[k][end]) $(round.((locs[end].lat, locs[end].lon),digits=4))"
        [(, loc.lon) for loc in locs ],

MAP_BOUNDS = [(mx.bounds.min_y,mx.bounds.min_x),(mx.bounds.max_y,mx.bounds.max_x)]
flm.Rectangle(MAP_BOUNDS, color="black",weight=6).add_to(m)

In the tutorial, Jupiter is used. That’s why the map is drawn directly with a simple line calling the object m. I’m using Julia REPL. When I was trying to show the object m through REPL, the following is the output.

julia> m
PyObject <folium.folium.Map object at 0x7fe364b8c9b0>

So, I was wondering, how to draw this m folium.folium.Map object? Any comments are greatly appreciated.

you could try"index.html") and then look at the html.
Alternatively you could install IJulia and run it in Jupyter (as the tutorial does).
I think I did run this in VS code successfully too.
I have not done any plotting in the REPL for a while. Do ‘normal’ plots work in the REPL for you?

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I have also not done many plotting in the REPL. I’m not sure what do you mean by ‘normal’ plots in REPL…

Does this work in your repl?
This is what I mean with a normal plot

using Plots
x = 1:10; y = rand(10); # These are the plotting data

Yes. It works. Thank you for quick reply.

@bernhard, I just tried the"index.html") and checked out the file index.html. It works very well. Although it is not exactly what I intended to have, thank you so much!

@bernhard, moreover, do you happen to know what is exactly the purpose of m.fit_bounds(MAP_BOUNDS) in the above code? Many thanks.