Juno stack dev setup: Working with my github fork

As per the instructions on Juno developer documentation I have downloaded the development versions of the Atom packages and tested them by running the dev mode of atom. But how do I start atom with my own github fork of juno stack packages like julia-client so that I can create appropriate pull requests?

Go to e.g. ~/github/julia-client (default location) switch to your own fork and check out the correct branch. Then you can restart Atom with atom -d and see your changes.

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I also went through atom docshttps://flight-manual.atom.io/hacking-atom/sections/contributing-to-official-atom-packages/. Following those instructions this is what I did:

  1. Forked atom-julia-client
  2. Did an apm install there.
  3. Created a symlink: apm link -d
  4. Ran atom in dev mode using atom -d.