Hello, I have decided to take a leap and use Julia instead of Matlab, hence I have converted a previous Matlab script in Julia.
The only thing the script does is to build a Jacobian matrix of a map. Everything is vectorized (no loop, only matrix operation: repeat / .(operator) / sparse.) and yet it takes at least twice the time in Julia vs Matlab (using @elpased function(…)).
This is the code:
module jac
using SparseArrays
using LinearAlgebra
export DF
function DF(x,m0,m,lambda,n,l)
# masses on the i-th circle #
theta = repeat(360/l*collect(0:1:l-1),1,n)
xi_ext = repeat(x,1,l)'
m_ext = repeat(m,1,l)'
A = - m_ext
B = similar(Array{Float64},axes(xi_ext))
B .= sqrt(2)*(xi_ext.^3).*(ones(l,n) - cosd.(theta)).^(1/2)
@views A[1,:] = zeros(n)
@views B[1,:] = ones(n)
# combine
DF = sparse(collect(1:1:n),collect(1:1:n),vec(lambda*ones(n,1)-2*m0./x.^3 + sum(A./B,dims=1)'))
# masses on the j-th circle #
# angles associated with each mass
theta = 360/l*collect(0:1:l-1)
theta = repeat(theta,1,(n-1)*n) # extend theta
# extend xi
# l=0 -> [ x_1 ... x_1 | ... | x_n ... x_n ]
# l=1 -> [ x_1 ... x_1 | ... | x_n ... x_n ]
# . [ . | ... | . ]
# l=l-1 -> [ x_1 ... x_1 | ... | x_n ... x_n ]
xi_ext = repeat(reshape(repeat(x,1,n-1)',n*(n-1),1),1,l)'
# extend xj
# l=0 -> [ x_2 x_3 ... x_n | ... | x_1 x_2 x_3 ... x_{n-1} ]
# l=1 -> [ x_2 x_3 ... x_n | ... | x_1 x_2 x_3 ... x_{n-1} ]
# . [ . | ... | . ]
# l=l-1 -> [ x_2 x_3 ... x_n | ... | x_1 x_2 x_3 ... x_{n-1} ]
xj_ext = repeat(x,n,l)'
@views xj_ext = xj_ext[:,setdiff(1:end, (0:1:n-1)+(1:n:n*n))]
# extend mj the same way as xj
mj_ext = repeat(m,n,l)'
@views mj_ext = mj_ext[:,setdiff(1:end, (0:1:n-1)+(1:n:n*n))]
##### Computate the derivatives
xi_carre = xi_ext.^2
xj_carre = xj_ext.^2
prod_xixjcos = xi_ext.*xj_ext.*cosd.(theta)
# diagonal elements of DF
A, B = similar(Array{Float64},axes(xi_ext)), similar(Array{Float64},axes(xi_ext))
A .= -mj_ext.*(4*xi_carre + xj_carre - 8*prod_xixjcos + 3*xj_carre.*cosd.(2*theta))
B .= 2*(xi_carre + xj_carre - 2*prod_xixjcos).^(5/2)
# non-diagonal elements of DF
A .= -mj_ext.*(-4*(xi_carre + xj_carre).*cosd.(theta) + xi_ext.*xj_ext.*(7*ones(l,(n-1)*n) + cosd.(2*theta)))
sum_theta = sum(A./B,dims=1)
# combine
return DF + sparse(collect(1:1:n),collect(1:1:n),vec(sum_j)) + [tril(reshape(sum_theta,n-1,n)',-1) zeros(n,1)]+[zeros(n,1) triu(reshape(sum_theta,n-1,n)')]
Three possible issues:
the way I run the code is not efficient. What I did: I created a module, say X, in a .jl. This module contains the function creating the Jacobin matrix. Then, I created a main.jl file which executes the function using include(“/path/to/MODULE/X.jl”) and X.FUNCTION_NAME(…). I launch from the Julia interface the script main.jl with include(“/path/to/SCRIPT/X.jl”).
the functions repeat / sparse are not as efficient in Julia.
it has to do with “Multi-threading / parallelism computing” but I still don’t understand how to use/implement it in my code.
Could anyone help me understand what I have done wrong in the code?
Thank you for your help!