The following julia script is a literal translation of the original matlab code,
using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
using Arpack, Plots
function bhm_basis(N, M, dim, weight)
basis = zeros(UInt8, M, dim)
basis[1, 1] = N
s = 1
while basis[M, s] < N
s1 = M - 1
while basis[s1, s] == 0
s1 = s1 - 1
basis[1:s1-1, s+1] = basis[1:s1-1, s]
basis[s1, s+1] = basis[s1, s] - 1
basis[s1+1, s+1] = N - sum(basis[1:s1, s+1])
s = s + 1
table = (weight * basis)'
ind = sortperm(table)
table = table[ind]
mini = minimum(table[2:end] - table[1:end-1]) / 4.0
return basis, table, ind, mini
function hint(dim, basis, M)
COO1 = zeros(3, dim)
for s1 = 1:dim
COO1[1, s1] = s1
COO1[2, s1] = s1
COO1[3, s1] = 0.5 * sum(basis[:, s1] .^ 2 - basis[:, s1])
return Interaction = sparse(COO1[1, :], COO1[2, :], COO1[3, :], dim, dim)
function hkin(dim, basis, M, table, ind, mini)
COO2 = zeros(3, dim * M * 2)
s = 0
target = [Array(2:M); 1]
for s1 = 1:dim
if mod(s1, 10000) == 0
for s2 = 1:M
if basis[s2, s1] > 0
s = s + 1
final = basis[:, s1]
final[s2] = final[s2] - 1
s3 = target[s2]
final[s3] = final[s3] + 1
value = weight * final
index = searchsortedfirst(table, value - mini)
COO2[1, s] = s1
COO2[2, s] = ind[index]
COO2[3, s] = -sqrt(final[s3] * (final[s2] + 1))
COO2 = COO2[:, 1:s]
Kin = sparse(COO2[1, :], COO2[2, :], COO2[3, :], dim, dim)
return Kin = Kin + Kin'
function gstate(Kin, Interaction, Vlist)
Cmax = zeros(length(Vlist))
ge = zeros(length(Vlist))
for s1 = 1:length(Vlist)
print(s1, '\n')
H = Kin + Vlist[s1] * Interaction
d, gstate = eigs(H, nev=1, which=:SR) # to solve the smallest algebraic eigenvalues
gstate2 = abs2.(gstate)
Cmax[s1] = maximum(gstate2)
ge[s1] = d[1]
return ge, Cmax
@time begin
N = 12
M = 12
dim = binomial(N + M - 1, M - 1)
weight = sqrt.(100 * collect(1:M) .+ 3.0)'
basis, table, ind, mini = bhm_basis(N, M, dim, weight)
Interaction = hint(dim, basis, M)
Kin = hkin(dim, basis, M, table, ind, mini)
Vlist = 0:0.5:20
ge, Cmax = gstate(Kin, Interaction, Vlist)
plot(Vlist, Cmax)
plot(Vlist, ge)
It is slower than matlab. Actually, it is much faster than matlab for all functions except for the function ‘gstate’, which calls the ‘eigs’ function from Arpack.
It seems that matlab is really good at matrix computation. I checked it. On my desktop, with matlab, each eigs call costs 9 seconds, while for julia, it is 14-18 seconds.