Julia User Group Trondheim: Monthly Meeting

Yesterday we had the first User Group Meeting in Trondheim, thanks for everyone who participated – it was great!

We discussed two points for next – and hopefully regular meetings

  1. To find a room at NTNU, so it is easily possible also for externals to join.
    I looked for rooms relatively easy to find and accessible with hopefully just one door to open to get there. My proposal is H2, ground floor, we can see people outside (and can be seen); and I can reserve it. After 18.00 it is always available so we could meet a weekday 18.00

  2. When. I was thinking of every 3rd week (like this week), so the next would be Oct 15-19. Which week day do you prefer? My preference would be Tuesday, but here is a poll

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
0 voters

I will decide for a day based on this poll next week Friday (27/09) and book the room.

For our second meeting in October, we still have a the first meeting in October, we can collect topics here, but I would propose a lightning talk session, who ever wants to join with an own 10 minutes talk.

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Interims result: On the two leading ones, We only can have the H2 on Wednesday (but I booked that for now), on Tuesday we would have to check for that not time for a different room then, because then it is already booked for the evening. I can check on Friday for alternatives if Tuesday stays the preferred day. To be precise, the room is never available Tuesday evenings.

Two days left to vote!
If we stick to Tuesday, I checked quite a few rooms, that can be maybe seen from outside to notify someone to get in, maybe G1 works well – though not that “far upfront” as H2, still easy to reach for example from the bus station right to the side of the Geo-building. Will check that room tomorrow in person.


Tuesday it is! Since as I noted H2 is taken, we have to use G1 then. So

The 2nd Julia User Group Trondheim meeting is

Tuesday, 15.10.2024, 18.00, in G1.

Since this is the first meeting with talks, the topic is
“Lightning Talks – What are you (currently) doing in Julia?”
Feel free to already sent me the slides upfront.