It’s a pity that the font in Julia’s logo, MN Latin
, is commercial. Apparently it comes bundled with MacOS but as a Windows user that doesn’t help much.
I did find Tamil MN
in the repository but not the original logo font.
Since it’s probably illegal to ask for the font, I will refrain from doing so. However, maybe there exist good free alternatives that look similar?
I’d appreciate any pointers.
That is the original font, afaict:
Outline is Tamil MN with -65 letter spacing (in Photoshop).
And IIRC all MN family fonts have the same latin chars, so they can be used interchangeably here.
Oh, my bad. Thanks!
I was looking at this version by @cormullion and the “programming language” part seemed to be in a different font (of course, this isn’t part of the official logo). I’ll check again.
The MN Latin font works well in the Julia logo, but it’s a bit odd generally, and isn’t highly regarded for general design work (“MN Latin”: Latin characters of MN fonts bundled with macO… | Flickr). Usually it’s not a problem to use one font for a logotype and a different one for related text; some companies might use the same font for both logo and general use, but others would/could never do that.
You shouldn’t feel you have to use MN Latin for every Julia-related heading. … 
I think I used the new cut of Helvetica (Helvetica Now) for the text. Probably would use something different next time.
Which fonts are at the top of your list for this purpose?
That’s a question…
At the moment I’m interested in open-source fonts, probably as a result of working with Julia, so I’m trying things like IBM Plex.
I wasn’t able to find a Windows/Ubuntu font that is similar to the MN-type fonts – does anyone have any pointers on that?
Any reason to not just install the ttf in the above-linked repo?
I’m guessing that it’s licensed only to Mac owners, so as soon as you ‘install’ it to a Windows/Ubuntu OS, you’re committing type piracy. Aaaarrgh, me hearties! 
Not a good one! I somehow managed to miss that there was a font
folder at the repo root. Thanks, folks.
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