Hi, I am converting some of my Python codes to Julia language. For minimal working example, I have simplified most time consuming part of my codes and give them below. In the current version. The Python codes are approximately 8x faster than Julia version. Here are the codes
using MKL
using Printf
using SparseArrays
using BenchmarkTools
using NearestNeighbors
using LoopVectorization
import VectorizedRoutines.Matlab: meshgrid
function fun(data,c)
x = data[:,1]; y = data[:,2]; z = data[:,3]; n = length(x);
A,A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2 = zeros(n,n),zeros(n,n),zeros(n,n),zeros(n,n),zeros(n,n),zeros(n,n),zeros(n,n)
for i in 1:n
@inbounds for k in 1:n
xx = x[k]-x[i]
yy = y[k]-y[i]
zz = z[k]-z[i]
xyz = sqrt(xx^2+yy^2+zz^2)
A[i,k] = sqrt(xyz^2+c^2)
A1[i,k] = xx/A[i,k]
A2[i,k] = 1/A[i,k]-xx^2/A[i,k]^3
B1[i,k] = yy/A[i,k]
B2[i,k] = 1/A[i,k]-yy^2/A[i,k]^3
C1[i,k] = zz/A[i,k]
C2[i,k] = 1/A[i,k]-zz^2/A[i,k]^3
return A,A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2
function fun2(data)
x = data[:,1]; y = data[:,2]; z = data[:,3];o = zero(x); II = ones(size(x));
a = [II x y z x .^2 x.*y x.*z y .^2 y.*z z .^2 x .^3 x .^2 .*y x .^2 .*z x.*y .^2 x.*y.*z x.*z .^2 y .^3 y .^2 .*z y.*z .^2 z .^3]
a1 = [o II o o x*2 y z o o o 3*x .^2 2*x.*y 2*x.*z y .^2 y.*z z .^2 o o o o]
b1 = [o o II o o x o y*2 z o o x .^2 o x.*y*2 x.*z o 3*y .^2 2*y.*z z .^2 o]
c1 = [o o o II o o x o y z*2 o o x .^2 o x.*y x.*z*2 o y .^2 y.*z*2 3*z .^2]
a2 = [o o o o II*2 o o o o o x*6 2*y 2*z o o o o o o o]
b2 = [o o o o o o o II*2 o o o o o x*2 o o y*6 2*z o o]
c2 = [o o o o o o o o o II*2 o o o o o x*2 o o y*2 z*6]
return a,a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2
function main(st,data::Array{Float64,2},p::Array{Int64,1},m)
N = length(data[:,1])
W,W11,W12,W13,W21,W22,W23 = spzeros(N,N),spzeros(N,N),spzeros(N,N),spzeros(N,N),spzeros(N,N),spzeros(N,N),spzeros(N,N)
dd = zeros(20,20);
@inbounds for i in p
t_data = data[id,:];
A,A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2 = fun(t_data,m)
a,a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2 = fun2(t_data)
R = [A a; a' dd];
ind = filter(j -> id[j] == i,axes(id, 1));
L = [[A;a'][:,ind] [A1;a1'][:,ind] [B1;b1'][:,ind] [C1;c1'][:,ind] [A2;a2'][:,ind] [B2;b2'][:,ind] [C2;c2'][:,ind]];
soln = (R\L)[1:length(t_data[:,1]),:];
W[i,id] = soln[:,1]
W11[i,id] = soln[:,2]
W12[i,id] = soln[:,3]
W13[i,id] = soln[:,4]
W21[i,id] = soln[:,5]
W22[i,id] = soln[:,6]
W23[i,id] = soln[:,7]
return W,W11,W12,W13,W21,W22,W23
N = 15
PT = rand(N^3,3);
ip =collect(1:N^3);
xx,yy,zz = PT[:,1], PT[:,2], PT[:,3]; data = [xx yy zz];
r = 0.3
balltree = BallTree(data')
st = inrange(balltree, data', r, true) # https://github.com/KristofferC/NearestNeighbors.jl
m = 0.5
when I benchmark the codes the results are as follows:
@benchmark main(st,PT,ip,m)
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 1 sample with 1 evaluation.
Single result which took 53.736 s (3.01% GC) to evaluate,
with a memory estimate of 193.54 GiB, over 864968 allocations.
If I increase the value of N
, Python performance stands out more. So, my question is: Is it possible to speed up these Julia codes? Is it possible to beat Python. I would be grateful for any help.