I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Julia 1.8.1, I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling VSCode, I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Julia extension in VSCode, I have checked that the settings.json file points to the right place. Julia is added to my PATH on Windows 10, there are no spaces in the file path, I am using escaped slashes (\)…
VSCode firstly fails to auto-create a julia file from the welcome page (clicking New File → Julia) - nothing happens. If I manually create a .jl file and type some code and instruct it to run with Ctrl+F5 - nothing happens. I can fire up the julia REPL and execute code that way.
Can the Julia in VSCode add-in find your Julia installation? Either Julia must be on the system path (or equivalent of you aren’t using Windows), or you installed Julia via JuliaUp or you explicitly specify the path in the extension settings.
Julia is on the system path (the full path to julia.exe) and both places where one can specify the path to julia in settings.json point to the same place (also the full path to julia.exe). Still doesn’t work.
So the fact that REPL works would suggest that Julia installation is ok.
Both of the actions you mentioned are just shortcuts (if I’m not mistaken).
Could you check in VSCode that those key combinations are connected to Julia actions?
Maybe some other extension hijacked them?
I have not tried with other versions of Julia as I’m new to it - so the only version I have is 1.8.1
I did blank the field as well and I get the same error as above - VSCode tries to start the Julia language server 5 times in a row, fails repeatedly, then stops trying to do so.
This error: “Julia Language Server client: couldn’t create connection to server.”
So the only thing that comes to my mind is that for some reason VSCode does not have permission to read the folder with Julia.
Could you try to install it in some other folder (e.g. directly in your user folder) and see if that helps?