Hi Julia Users, This is my first post and I’m afraid it won’t be very interesting and is basically selfish, however, I’m following the instructions I received from the Atom dashboard and really want to run Julia in Atom/Juno…
I was able to successfully install Atom and Juno on my machine. When I went to test some Julia code in the editor, Julia stopped and the following message came up.
Error installing Atom.jl package
Go to the Packages → Julia → Open Terminal menu and
run Pkg.add("Atom")
in Julia, then try again.
If you still see an issue, please report it to:
I tried to install Atom using the command Pkg.add(“Atom”) in the Julia command line, but I got the error pasted below.
_ _ _(_)_ | A fresh approach to technical computing
(_) | (_) (_) | Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?help" for help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 0.5.0 (2016-09-19 18:14 UTC)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official http://julialang.org/ release
|__/ | x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0
julia> Pkg.add("Atom")
ERROR: unsatisfiable package requirements detected: no feasible version could be found for package: Compat
(you may try increasing the value of the
JULIA_PKGRESOLVE_ACCURACY environment variable)
in resolve(::Dict{String,Base.Pkg.Types.VersionSet}, ::Dict{String,Dict{VersionNumber,Base.Pkg.Types.Available}}) at ./pkg/resolve.jl:37
in resolve(::Dict{String,Base.Pkg.Types.VersionSet}, ::Dict{String,Dict{VersionNumber,Base.Pkg.Types.Available}}, ::Dict{String,Tuple{VersionNumber,Bool}}, ::Dict{String,Base.Pkg.Types.Fixed}, ::Dict{String,VersionNumber}, ::Set{String}) at ./pkg/entry.jl:495
in resolve(::Dict{String,Base.Pkg.Types.VersionSet}, ::Dict{String,Dict{VersionNumber,Base.Pkg.Types.Available}}, ::Dict{String,Tuple{VersionNumber,Bool}}, ::Dict{String,Base.Pkg.Types.Fixed}) at ./pkg/entry.jl:476
in edit(::Function, ::String, ::Base.Pkg.Types.VersionSet, ::Vararg{Base.Pkg.Types.VersionSet,N}) at ./pkg/entry.jl:30
in (::Base.Pkg.Entry.##2#5{String,Base.Pkg.Types.VersionSet})() at ./task.jl:360
in sync_end() at ./task.jl:311
in macro expansion at ./task.jl:327 [inlined]
in add(::String, ::Base.Pkg.Types.VersionSet) at ./pkg/entry.jl:51
in (::Base.Pkg.Dir.##2#3{Array{Any,1},Base.Pkg.Entry.#add,Tuple{String}})() at ./pkg/dir.jl:31
in cd(::Base.Pkg.Dir.##2#3{Array{Any,1},Base.Pkg.Entry.#add,Tuple{String}}, ::String) at ./file.jl:59
in #cd#1(::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::Function, ::String, ::Vararg{Any,N}) at ./pkg/dir.jl:31
in add(::String) at ./pkg/pkg.jl:100
I would be very grateful for any assistance or guidance with this issue.