I decided to finally upgrade from 1.3 to 1.4 on my computer today and ran into a few issues.
The first was fairly easy to handle, the usual notarization stuff.
But after that, Julia could just never seem to launch, often resulting in the following error or just hanging:
Are you running Julia by double-clicking the icon in the Finder? With all the changes in Catalina I think you might encounter problems this way that you won’t meet if you just launch Julia by typing julia in the Terminal (with a suitably configured PATH) or by launching Atom/Juno, etc.
Having used Catalina for a week now, I wouldn’t be surprised if something is asking for permission and you’re unable to see/confirm the dialog. I don’t have faith that any AppleScript will work reliably in these new conditions.
I’m also wondering why Catalina moves or copies the Julia-1.4.app from /Applications to /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Julia-1.4.app?
Welp 1.3 didn’t have its path configured correctly OOTB, but seems 1.4 works just fine from the terminal. Guess I’ll just open an issue on GitHub for the double-click, thanks for the valuable suggestion!
What’s more interesting I think is that when I launched from Terminal I think all of the Julia instances that failed to launch suddenly sprung up, and following that the application started to work. Go figure.