Is there a trick to perform "run until line xxx" in ASTInterpreter2?

Currently Juno has this nice debugging GUI that integrates with ASTInterpreter2. However, sometimes I’m just using a simple Julia console and still want to do step-through debugging.

I know I should do “using ASTInterpreter2” and then “@enter” into the function I want to step through. But once inside, I don’t know how to perform “run until line xxx”. Juno debugger has this “run to cursor” button, but in plain text console under ASTInterpreter2 I couldn’t find the equivalent command. Help does not seem to provide an answer:

1|debug > ?
  Basic Commands:
  - n steps to the next line
  - s steps into the next call
  - finish runs to the end of the function
  - bt shows a simple backtrace
  - `stuff runs stuff in the current frame's context
  - fr v will show all variables in the current frame
  - f n where n is an integer, will go to the n-th frame.
  Advanced commands:
  - nc steps to the next call
  - se does one expression step
  - si does the same but steps into a call if a call is the next expression
  - sg steps into a generated function

Does anyone know how to do it? Thanks!!