Hi! My question is somewhat related to this topic, but its solution doesn’t work in my case.
I’d like the code chunks within my docs/src/
directory to automatically generate images inside the docs upon deployment. In fact, the images are produced in docs/
, but they are not rendered as they should.
For instance, the code:
```@repl 1
using FdeSolver
using Plots, SpecialFunctions
# Inputs
tSpan = [0, 1] # [intial time, final time]
y0 = 0 # initial value
β = 0.9 # order of the derivative
# ODE Model
par = β
F(t, y, par) = (40320 ./ gamma(9 - par) .* t .^ (8 - par) .- 3 .* gamma(5 + par / 2)
./ gamma(5 - par / 2) .* t .^ (4 - par / 2) .+ 9/4 * gamma(par + 1) .+
(3 / 2 .* t .^ (par / 2) .- t .^ 4) .^ 3 .- y .^ (3 / 2))
## Numerical solution
t, Yapp = FDEsolver(F, tSpan, y0, β, par)
# Plot
plot(t, Yapp, linewidth = 5, title = "Solution of a 1D fractional IVP",
xaxis = "Time (t)", yaxis = "y(t)", label = "Approximation")
plot!(t, t -> (t.^8 - 3 * t .^ (4 + β / 2) + 9/4 * t.^β),
lw = 3, ls = :dash, label = "Exact solution")
savefig("example1.png"); nothing # hide
followed by:
What am I doing wrong? Should I specify the path to the image differently?