How to generate plots in documentation?

Hi! My question is somewhat related to this topic, but its solution doesn’t work in my case.

I’d like the code chunks within my docs/src/ directory to automatically generate images inside the docs upon deployment. In fact, the images are produced in docs/, but they are not rendered as they should.

For instance, the code:

```@repl 1
using FdeSolver
using Plots, SpecialFunctions

# Inputs
tSpan = [0, 1]     # [intial time, final time]
y0 = 0             # initial value
β = 0.9            # order of the derivative

# ODE Model
par = β
F(t, y, par) = (40320 ./ gamma(9 - par) .* t .^ (8 - par) .- 3 .* gamma(5 + par / 2)
           ./ gamma(5 - par / 2) .* t .^ (4 - par / 2) .+ 9/4 * gamma(par + 1) .+
           (3 / 2 .* t .^ (par / 2) .- t .^ 4) .^ 3 .- y .^ (3 / 2))

## Numerical solution
t, Yapp = FDEsolver(F, tSpan, y0, β, par)

# Plot
plot(t, Yapp, linewidth = 5, title = "Solution of a 1D fractional IVP",
     xaxis = "Time (t)", yaxis = "y(t)", label = "Approximation")
plot!(t, t -> (t.^8 - 3 * t .^ (4 + β / 2) + 9/4 * t.^β),
      lw = 3, ls = :dash, label = "Exact solution")
savefig("example1.png"); nothing # hide

followed by:



What am I doing wrong? Should I specify the path to the image differently?

As a solution, I had to add Plots to the Project.toml of the docs directory and remove

push!(LOAD_PATH, "../src/")

from the make.jl file.

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