Hello everybody. Huge thanks and admiration for all the wonderful things coming out of the Julia and Pluto worlds. Astonishing
I’m teaching calculus this semester and have been making Pluto notebooks to help my students visualize and play with some concepts. The notebooks are looking cool and I’ve gotten good feedback from the students except for the initial phase of opening Julia, Pluto, and launching everything. They struggle with this and it has been a bit time consuming.
Going forward, I wanted to avoid having them install Julia and Pluto, or even just opening them and possibly dealing with the computer’s terminal, etc. I also wanted to avoid using Binder so that launch speeds are optimized.
Because of this, I’ve been trying to set up a Pluto Slider Server. I’ve read some posts here on Discourse, I’ve read both Connor’s post and Fons’ readme on the PlutoSliderServer GitHub. Overall, I’ve tried a few directions but I can’t quite get it to work.
I think I have it all almost set up (huge emphasis on “think” hah). I’ve tried doing the whole configuration using my DigitalOcean server’s IP address but now when setting up Nginx it seems I need an actual domain name. I looked into Cloudflare as an alternative but it seems the same is true: an actual domain is needed. I was hoping I could ultimately just link to my droplet’s IP.
My understanding is that since I’ve cloned my GitHub’s repo into the server anyway, that maybe I could just link all of this to the GitHub page or the GitHub files themselves — could I use my GitHub pages address as the domain required by either Nginx or Cloudflare?
If I do need to purchase a domain name, would I just route it to my DigitalOcean’s IP? Or is there a way to bypass this requirement? In other words, is there a way for my students to access everything by simply visiting my DigitalOcean’s IP directly? A maximum of 30 students would be accessing the notebooks at a time; given this small scale usage scenario, is the HTTPS step necessary?
Alternatively: Is there a super short method to just install Julia, Pluto, and PlutoSliderServer on the DigitalOcean droplet, link the droplet to my GitHub with the notebook files (or host the notebook files on the droplet, avoiding GitHub altogether), and that’s it? Is it possible to do this so the students can just visit the IP directly or my GitHub pages address (or the droplet IP) and immediately access the notebooks?
In the future I would love to set this up as a secure and stable server that the students can access throughout the semester to study and review the material. For now, having them just be able to access the notebook during class without directly running Julia or Pluto on their machines (from an iPad even) would be amazing.
I am outside of my comfort zone trying to set this all up so I may be missing something that the current available resources already explain (e.g. Connor’s post and Fons’ readme). Thanks so much again everybody.