I have a specific data reading problem that I’m trying to improve. I’m not sure if the details are important or not, but here’s the gist:
- I have some number (high hundreds to low thousands) of indiviudual CSV files. Each file has 2 columns, call them
, and represents oneobservation
- In the end, I need a single table, probably sparse, containing all of the values for each
pair. The orientation doesn’t matter all that much, I routinely need to access feature-wise and observation-wise. - there are on the order of 5-50 million different
s across the dataset, but eachobservation
tends to havevalue
s for at most hundreds of thousands of them. All otherfeature
s can be said to have avalue
of 0, but are not represented in the rows of the CSVs if they aren’t in that observation. - I am far more often loading the table in a new julia session than I am adding additional data, and I’m not really limited by diskspace, so anything to massage the data in a way that makes it easier to load would be fine, even if it takes a while.
Here’s a way to generate some toy data that has the form I’m concerned with:
using Random
using DataFrames
using CSV
using SparseArrays
nfeatures: total number of possible features
nobservations: total number of observations
nfeatperobs: Number of features in each observation
function generate_testdata(nfeatures, nobservations, nfeatperobs, datadir=normpath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data")); force=false)
if isdir(datadir)
force ? rm(datadir, recursive=true) : error("$datadir exists, use `force=true` to overwrite")
allfeatures = [randstring() for _ in 1:nfeatures]
for o in 1:nobservations
fpick = unique(rand(1:nfeatures, nfeatperobs))
df = DataFrame(feature=allfeatures[fpick], value=rand(length(fpick)))
CSV.write(joinpath(datadir, "obs$o.csv"), df)
generate_testdata(10_000, 100, 500)
My first naive implementation was to basically read all of the CSVs into dictionaries, then fill a sparse array:
function join_from_csv1(datadir=normpath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data")))
obs = map(f-> replace(f, ".csv"=>""), readdir(datadir))
obsdict = Dict{String, Dict{String,Float64}}()
features = Set()
for ob in obs
df = CSV.File(joinpath(datadir, "$ob.csv")) |> DataFrame
obsdict[ob] = Dict(row.feature=> row.value for row in eachrow(df))
union!(features, df.feature)
sa = spzeros(length(features),length(obs))
featuredict = Dict(f=>i for (i,f) in enumerate(features))
for (i, ob) in enumerate(obs)
for f in keys(obsdict[ob])
sa[featuredict[f], i] = obsdict[ob][f]
return sa, features, obs
julia> @benchmark join_from_csv1()
memory estimate: 20.98 MiB
allocs estimate: 370977
minimum time: 134.594 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 150.562 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 153.927 ms (4.30% GC)
maximum time: 169.961 ms (9.90% GC)
samples: 33
evals/sample: 1
This implementation takes ~35 min with my actual dataset, and I’m sure there are a bunch of ways to improve, but I have no experience with profiling and optimization. I’m of course happy to take any suggestions to improve the obvious problems, but I thought it would be a good opportunity to learn those skills. But I have a couple of questions:
- Is the smaller sample data sufficient for profiling / benchmarking? I’m assuming that steps I take to optimize on this small dataset will scale up, but is there any reason to suspect that’s not true?
- Is using the built-in profiler / ProfileView the right way to go? I had to run the function like 1000 times to get any substantial reading, but probably doing something wrong there.
- Anything else I should be considering, or good resources to look at?
- Assuming the no observation/feature pair overlap, are there any additonal considerations to trying to make this parallelizable? I’m doing this primarily on a system with 8 cores, though not sure the extent to which I’m bound reading off the HDDs