Benchmarking ways to write/load DataFrames IndexedTables to disk

Update 2018-Feb-19: added R feather and Pandas; thanks to @zhangliye for the pandas code

For Julia, JLD.jl has the fastest write-solution and I have used it via the ultra-convenient FileIO.jl. However for interop with other packages, the slightly slower Feather.jl is also a good choice, also it may be arguable that you read data more often than you write, so Feather.jl’s superior read-speed will be essential. However, R’s feather is faster than Julia’s.

The read and write speed seem to scale linearly, so running on a small dataset with 1 million records is also indicative of relative performance at 100 million records.

One of R’s fast-rising superstars, fst, is the one to beat. It uses compression techniques and multi-threading to get great performance! The good news is that its format is being separated out into a C++ package so hopefully we can have a native C++ binding for fst in Julia soon (the author is getting a lot of buzzes but appears to be the sole contributor to fst at the moment)!

Also Parquet.jl doesn’t have a write functionality so I couldn’t test that, but it would’ve have been a good candidate to check out as Parquet allows compression of output datasets which can lead to space savings and faster performance.

I have excluded JuliaDB.jl as it seems to have a bug where I can’t read to the same file once I have invoked save. uCSV.jl is slow for both read and write and will be excluded until improvement. Surprisingly, JLD2.jl is slower than JLD.jl.

benchmarking code

function bench_df_write_read(N,K, outpath, exclslow = true)
    df = DataFrame(
        id1 = rand(pool,N),
        id2 = rand(pool,N),
        id3 = rand(pool1,N),
        id4 = rand(1:K,N),
        id5 = rand(1:K,N),
        id6 = rand(1:(N/K),N),
        v1 = rand(1:5,N),
        v2 = rand(1:5,N),
        v3 = rand(nums,N));*"df_fileio.csv", df)
    frm = pd.read_csv(outpath*"df_fileio.csv")  # will be used for testting Pandas
    # frm[:to_feather]("d:/tmp/p.feather")
    # frm[:to_parquet]("d:/tmp/p.feather")

    if exclslow
        writeres = [
            @benchmark(Feather.write(outpath*"df.feather", $df)), # 138
            # @benchmark(CSV.write(outpath*"df.csv", $df)), #569.749011
            @benchmark(*"df_fileio.csv", $df)), # 209.438193 seconds (1.20 G allocations: 47.704 GiB, 5.91% gc time)
            # @benchmark(uCSV.write(outpath*"df_u.csv", $df)), #528.785193 seconds (3.60 G allocations: 157.952 GiB, 8.43% gc time)
            @benchmark(*"df.jld","df", $df)), #215.839709 seconds (1.16 k allocations: 6.706 GiB, 2.50% gc time)
            # @benchmark(JLD2.@save(outpath*"df.jld2", $df)), #765.809597 seconds (2.70 G allocations: 58.094 GiB, 19.22% gc time)
            @benchmark($frm[:to_csv](joinpath(outpath,"df_pandas.csv")))  # pandas writing
            # ,@benchmark($frm[:to_feather](joinpath(outpath,"df_pandas.feather")))
        readres = [
            # ,@benchmark(pd.read_feather(outpath*"df_pandas.feather"))
        return (writeres, readres)
        dfit = table(df)

        writeres = [
            @benchmark(Feather.write(outpath*"df.feather", $df)) , # 138
            @benchmark(CSV.write(outpath*"df.csv", $df)), #569.749011
            @benchmark(*"df_fileio.csv", $df)), # 209.438193 seconds (1.20 G allocations: 47.704 GiB, 5.91% gc time)
            @benchmark(uCSV.write(outpath*"df_u.csv", $df)), #528.785193 seconds (3.60 G allocations: 157.952 GiB, 8.43% gc time)
            @benchmark(*"df.jld","df", $df)), #215.839709 seconds (1.16 k allocations: 6.706 GiB, 2.50% gc time)
            @benchmark(JLD2.@save(outpath*"df.jld2", $df)), #765.809597 seconds (2.70 G allocations: 58.094 GiB, 19.22% gc time)
            # @benchmark($dfit,outpath*randstring(8))),
            # @benchmark($dfit,"df.juliadb")),
            @benchmark($frm[:to_csv](joinpath(outpath,"df_pandas.csv")))  # pandas writing

        jldpath = outpath*"df.jld2"
        readres = [
        return (writeres, readres)

function rreadwrite(outpath)
    r = R"""
    memory.limit(2^31-1) # windows only; to get rid of memory limit

    pt = proc.time()
    df <- feather::read_feather(file.path($outpath,"df.feather"))
    featherr = proc.time() - pt

    pt = proc.time()
    feather::write_feather(df, file.path($outpath,"df_r.feather"))
    featherw = proc.time() - pt

    pt = proc.time()
    fstw = proc.time() - pt

    #system.time(write_fst(df,file.path($outpath,"df_0.fst"), 0))[3]
    #system.time(write_fst(df,file.path($outpath,"df_100.fst"), 100))[3]

    pt = proc.time()
    fstr= proc.time() - pt

    # system.time(read_fst(file.path($outpath,"df_0.fst")))[3],
    # system.time(read_fst(file.path($outpath,"df_100.fst")))[3],

    # multi threaded read write
    pt = proc.time()
    fwrite(df, file.path($outpath, "df_fwrite.csv"))
    fwritet = proc.time() - pt

    pt = proc.time()
    system.time(fread(file.path($outpath, "df_fwrite.csv")))[3]
    freadr = proc.time() - pt

    [Float64(r[i]) for i=1:length(r)]

function plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, N, exclslow=true)
    if exclslow
        x = ["Feather.jl",          "TextParse.jl\n FileIO.jl",         "JLD.jl\n FileIO.jl", "Python\n Pandas"]
        rx = ["R\n fst (default)","R\n data.table", "R\n feather"]

        x = vcat(repeat(x, outer=2), repeat(rx, inner=2))
        rw = ["write","read"]

        group = vcat(repeat(rw, inner=4), repeat(rw, outer=3))

        julwrite = (x->(x.times ./ 1e9) |> mean).(julres[1])
        julread = (x->(x.times ./ 1e9) |> mean).(julres[2])
        y = vcat(julwrite, julread, rres)

        , y
        , group = group
        , bar_position = :dodge
        , title = "DataFrame read/write to disk performance ($(Int(N/1_000_000))m)"
        , ylabel = "seconds")
        #GR.savefig("e:/read_write_df_bench $(Int(N/1_000_000))m.png")
        x = ["Feather.jl","CSV.jl", "TextParse.jl\n FileIO.jl","uCSV.jl","JLD.jl\n FileIO.jl","JLD2.jl", "Python\n Pandas"]
        rx = ["R\n fst (default)","R\n data.table", "R\n feather"]

        x = vcat(repeat(x, outer=2), repeat(rx, inner=2))
        rw = ["write","read"]

        group = vcat(repeat(rw, inner=7), repeat(rw, outer=3))

        julwrite = (x->(x.times ./ 1e9) |> mean).(julres[1])
        julread = (x->(x.times ./ 1e9) |> mean).(julres[2])
        y = vcat(julwrite, julread, rres)

        , y
        , group = group
        , bar_position = :dodge
        , title = "DataFrame read/write to disk performance ($(Int(N/1_000_000))m)"
        , ylabel = "seconds")

# setup
using Revise, RCall, Plots, StatPlots
# using DataBenchs
using uCSV, Feather, BenchmarkTools, CSV
using TextParse, FileIO, JLD, IterableTables
using JuliaDB, IndexedTables, uCSV, JLD2, DataFrames

using BenchmarkTools
using GR
using StatPlots
using FileIO
using Plots
using GR

outpath = "d:/tmp/"

N = 1_000_000;  K = 100;
# @time df = DataBench.createSynDataFrame(N, K); #31 #40
pool = "id".*dec.(1:K,3);
pool1 = "id".*dec.(1:N÷K,10);
nums = round.(rand(100).*100, 4);

############################ python package test
using PyCall
using Conda
#Conda.add("pandas") # need to run if runs into error
@pyimport pandas as pd


# benchmark write
# ZJ: from my own testing, writing of 1m rows is sufficient to assess the
# relativities
println("starting testing")
if true
    julres = bench_df_write_read(1_000_000, 100, outpath, false )
    res1m = (julres, rres)*"df_write_bench_1m.jld", "res1m", res1m)

    # show read and write
    data = FileIO.load(outpath*"/df_write_bench_1m.jld")
    res1m = data["res1m"]
    (julres, rres) = res1m
    plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, 1_000_000, false)

    julres = bench_df_write_read(10_000_000, 100, outpath )
    res1m = (julres, rres)*"df_write_bench_10m.jld", "res1m", res1m)

    # show read and write
    data = FileIO.load(outpath*"/df_write_bench_10m.jld")
    res1m = data["res1m"]
    (julres, rres) = res1m
    plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, 10_000_000)

    wtimes = vcat([mean(a.times)/1e9 for a in julres[1]], rres[1:2:5])
    rtimes = vcat([mean(a.times)/1e9 for a in julres[2]], rres[2:2:6])

    df = DataFrame(pkg = ["Feather.jl","TextParse.jl","JLD.jl","Pandas","fst","data.table","R feather"],
    wtimes = wtimes,
    rtimes = rtimes)

    julres = bench_df_write_read(100_000_000, 100, outpath )
        res1m = (julres, rres)*"df_write_bench_100m.jld", "res1m", res1m)

    # show read and write
    data = FileIO.load(outpath*"/df_write_bench_100m.jld")
    res1m = data["res1m"]
    (julres, rres) = res1m
    plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, 100_000_000)

    # #  show writing test
    # data = FileIO.load("e:/df_write_bench_1m_more.jld")
    # res1m = data["res1m"]
    # (julres, rres) = res1m

    # plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, 1_000_000, false)


# if true
#     julres = bench_df_write_read(1_000_000, 100, outpath, false )
#     rres=rreadwrite(outpath)
#     res1m = (julres, rres)
#"d:/tmp/df_write_bench_1m_more.jld", "res1m", res1m)
# end


Perhaps try JLD2?

It’s there, just after JLD. It’s the slowest of them all!

Sorry, don’t know how I missed it!

It is a very useful benchmark! I am once suffered from this.
I tried to use Julia for a data analysis project, which should process a large amount of CSV files. There are more than 3000 CSV files a day and we have to process about two-years’ data. At last, I used Dask in Python to do this.
It would be useful to include the comparison of Pandas. Thanks for your work.

welcome some contribution of Dask and Pandas code at DataBench.jl. Or at least you can post some code here. :grinning:

Would it be difficult to redo the graph that shows reads and writes with all options? I’d be curious what the fastest CSV reading option is on julia these days.

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Can do. It’s a living post. Will update when I need a break from other stuff. But some of them are slow it feels not worth benchmarking. Also don’t want to squash too much info into one chart hence the break out.

Yes I noticed a similar thing with JLD2 write times a few months back. I was trying to work out the fastest method for reading/writing a matrix of Float64. I actually asked a StackOverflow question about it, and ended up offering my own answer here. Basically, I ended up concluding that the best approach at the moment is just to read/write from a binary file…

I am surprised about your results with JLD2. I don’t have a working R setup now to compare, but

using DataFrames
using JLD2
using BenchmarkTools
using FileIO

"Random dataframe of length `N`, `K` determines distinct values for some columns."
function random_df(N, K)
    pool = "id".*dec.(1:K,3);
    pool1 = "id".*dec.(1:N÷K,10);
    nums = round.(rand(100).*100, 4);
    df = DataFrame(id1 = rand(pool,N),
                   id2 = rand(pool,N),
                   id3 = rand(pool1,N),
                   id4 = rand(1:K,N),
                   id5 = rand(1:K,N),
                   id6 = rand(1:(N/K),N),
                   v1 = rand(1:5,N),
                   v2 = rand(1:5,N),
                   v3 = rand(nums,N));

df = random_df(1_000_000, 100);
@time save("/tmp/test.jld2", "mydata", df)

then the last line runs in about 4.5-5s on my not particularly powerful laptop. Which is not surprising, as the file is about 170M. In 5-600s (\approx 10min), I usually read/write hundreds of gigabytes with an SSD, with JLD2.

Interested to see your other Julia results. Are the relativities the same?

Not counting compilation time, CSV is about 4s, Feather 0.8s.

These things are not bottlenecks for me in practice, so ATM I can’t spend more time investigating them. But if they were, the interesting question would be understanding the reason behind relative speed differences:

  1. are these things IO- or CPU bound? the size of data on disk could be an explanatory variable if it is IO-bound.

  2. then profiling to see where it spends time.

I think it would be great if you could make your code more modular (data generation, then benchmarking), instead of one big function. It may help people who want to dissect the results.

Can you add the julia fst to the comparison?

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Julia fst currently works through RCall.jl. It will definitely be much slower than fst in R

I tried it, and I think it is still faster than other Julia options.

Nice. It was slower than JLD I think. I think I should add

I thought JLD is unsupported anymore… So JLD and JLD2 are both the default data storage formats now?

It still works. Anyway for me the better use are definitely feather and fst for easier interop with R

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What do you mean with “default”? The package you use is what will be used, there isn’t really any default.

In R the save and saverds functions saves data in the rds format. Which is sort of the default. One can use feather, fst, and Parquet if they wish. There doesn’t seem to be a “defsult” as such in the Julia world.