Update 2018-Feb-19: added R feather and Pandas; thanks to @zhangliye for the pandas code
For Julia, JLD.jl has the fastest write-solution and I have used it via the ultra-convenient FileIO.jl. However for interop with other packages, the slightly slower Feather.jl is also a good choice, also it may be arguable that you read data more often than you write, so Feather.jl’s superior read-speed will be essential. However, R’s feather is faster than Julia’s.
The read and write speed seem to scale linearly, so running on a small dataset with 1 million records is also indicative of relative performance at 100 million records.
One of R’s fast-rising superstars, fst, is the one to beat. It uses compression techniques and multi-threading to get great performance! The good news is that its format is being separated out into a C++ package so hopefully we can have a native C++ binding for fst in Julia soon (the author is getting a lot of buzzes but appears to be the sole contributor to fst at the moment)!
Also Parquet.jl doesn’t have a write functionality so I couldn’t test that, but it would’ve have been a good candidate to check out as Parquet allows compression of output datasets which can lead to space savings and faster performance.
I have excluded JuliaDB.jl as it seems to have a bug where I can’t read to the same file once I have invoked save
. uCSV.jl is slow for both read and write and will be excluded until improvement. Surprisingly, JLD2.jl is slower than JLD.jl.
benchmarking code
function bench_df_write_read(N,K, outpath, exclslow = true)
df = DataFrame(
id1 = rand(pool,N),
id2 = rand(pool,N),
id3 = rand(pool1,N),
id4 = rand(1:K,N),
id5 = rand(1:K,N),
id6 = rand(1:(N/K),N),
v1 = rand(1:5,N),
v2 = rand(1:5,N),
v3 = rand(nums,N));
FileIO.save(outpath*"df_fileio.csv", df)
frm = pd.read_csv(outpath*"df_fileio.csv") # will be used for testting Pandas
# frm[:to_feather]("d:/tmp/p.feather")
# frm[:to_parquet]("d:/tmp/p.feather")
if exclslow
writeres = [
@benchmark(Feather.write(outpath*"df.feather", $df)), # 138
# @benchmark(CSV.write(outpath*"df.csv", $df)), #569.749011
@benchmark(FileIO.save(outpath*"df_fileio.csv", $df)), # 209.438193 seconds (1.20 G allocations: 47.704 GiB, 5.91% gc time)
# @benchmark(uCSV.write(outpath*"df_u.csv", $df)), #528.785193 seconds (3.60 G allocations: 157.952 GiB, 8.43% gc time)
@benchmark(FileIO.save(outpath*"df.jld","df", $df)), #215.839709 seconds (1.16 k allocations: 6.706 GiB, 2.50% gc time)
# @benchmark(JLD2.@save(outpath*"df.jld2", $df)), #765.809597 seconds (2.70 G allocations: 58.094 GiB, 19.22% gc time)
@benchmark($frm[:to_csv](joinpath(outpath,"df_pandas.csv"))) # pandas writing
# ,@benchmark($frm[:to_feather](joinpath(outpath,"df_pandas.feather")))
readres = [
# ,@benchmark(pd.read_feather(outpath*"df_pandas.feather"))
return (writeres, readres)
dfit = table(df)
writeres = [
@benchmark(Feather.write(outpath*"df.feather", $df)) , # 138
@benchmark(CSV.write(outpath*"df.csv", $df)), #569.749011
@benchmark(FileIO.save(outpath*"df_fileio.csv", $df)), # 209.438193 seconds (1.20 G allocations: 47.704 GiB, 5.91% gc time)
@benchmark(uCSV.write(outpath*"df_u.csv", $df)), #528.785193 seconds (3.60 G allocations: 157.952 GiB, 8.43% gc time)
@benchmark(FileIO.save(outpath*"df.jld","df", $df)), #215.839709 seconds (1.16 k allocations: 6.706 GiB, 2.50% gc time)
@benchmark(JLD2.@save(outpath*"df.jld2", $df)), #765.809597 seconds (2.70 G allocations: 58.094 GiB, 19.22% gc time)
# @benchmark(JuliaDB.save($dfit,outpath*randstring(8))),
# @benchmark(JuliaDB.save($dfit,"df.juliadb")),
@benchmark($frm[:to_csv](joinpath(outpath,"df_pandas.csv"))) # pandas writing
jldpath = outpath*"df.jld2"
readres = [
return (writeres, readres)
function rreadwrite(outpath)
r = R"""
memory.limit(2^31-1) # windows only; to get rid of memory limit
pt = proc.time()
df <- feather::read_feather(file.path($outpath,"df.feather"))
featherr = proc.time() - pt
pt = proc.time()
feather::write_feather(df, file.path($outpath,"df_r.feather"))
featherw = proc.time() - pt
pt = proc.time()
fstw = proc.time() - pt
#system.time(write_fst(df,file.path($outpath,"df_0.fst"), 0))[3]
#system.time(write_fst(df,file.path($outpath,"df_100.fst"), 100))[3]
pt = proc.time()
fstr= proc.time() - pt
# system.time(read_fst(file.path($outpath,"df_0.fst")))[3],
# system.time(read_fst(file.path($outpath,"df_100.fst")))[3],
# multi threaded read write
pt = proc.time()
fwrite(df, file.path($outpath, "df_fwrite.csv"))
fwritet = proc.time() - pt
pt = proc.time()
system.time(fread(file.path($outpath, "df_fwrite.csv")))[3]
freadr = proc.time() - pt
[Float64(r[i]) for i=1:length(r)]
function plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, N, exclslow=true)
if exclslow
x = ["Feather.jl", "TextParse.jl\n FileIO.jl", "JLD.jl\n FileIO.jl", "Python\n Pandas"]
rx = ["R\n fst (default)","R\n data.table", "R\n feather"]
x = vcat(repeat(x, outer=2), repeat(rx, inner=2))
rw = ["write","read"]
group = vcat(repeat(rw, inner=4), repeat(rw, outer=3))
julwrite = (x->(x.times ./ 1e9) |> mean).(julres[1])
julread = (x->(x.times ./ 1e9) |> mean).(julres[2])
y = vcat(julwrite, julread, rres)
, y
, group = group
, bar_position = :dodge
, title = "DataFrame read/write to disk performance ($(Int(N/1_000_000))m)"
, ylabel = "seconds")
#GR.savefig("e:/read_write_df_bench $(Int(N/1_000_000))m.png")
x = ["Feather.jl","CSV.jl", "TextParse.jl\n FileIO.jl","uCSV.jl","JLD.jl\n FileIO.jl","JLD2.jl", "Python\n Pandas"]
rx = ["R\n fst (default)","R\n data.table", "R\n feather"]
x = vcat(repeat(x, outer=2), repeat(rx, inner=2))
rw = ["write","read"]
group = vcat(repeat(rw, inner=7), repeat(rw, outer=3))
julwrite = (x->(x.times ./ 1e9) |> mean).(julres[1])
julread = (x->(x.times ./ 1e9) |> mean).(julres[2])
y = vcat(julwrite, julread, rres)
, y
, group = group
, bar_position = :dodge
, title = "DataFrame read/write to disk performance ($(Int(N/1_000_000))m)"
, ylabel = "seconds")
# setup
using Revise, RCall, Plots, StatPlots
# using DataBenchs
using uCSV, Feather, BenchmarkTools, CSV
using TextParse, FileIO, JLD, IterableTables
using JuliaDB, IndexedTables, uCSV, JLD2, DataFrames
using BenchmarkTools
using GR
using StatPlots
using FileIO
using Plots
using GR
outpath = "d:/tmp/"
N = 1_000_000; K = 100;
# @time df = DataBench.createSynDataFrame(N, K); #31 #40
pool = "id".*dec.(1:K,3);
pool1 = "id".*dec.(1:N÷K,10);
nums = round.(rand(100).*100, 4);
############################ python package test
using PyCall
using Conda
#Conda.add("pandas") # need to run if runs into error
@pyimport pandas as pd
# benchmark write
# ZJ: from my own testing, writing of 1m rows is sufficient to assess the
# relativities
println("starting testing")
if true
julres = bench_df_write_read(1_000_000, 100, outpath, false )
res1m = (julres, rres)
FileIO.save(outpath*"df_write_bench_1m.jld", "res1m", res1m)
# show read and write
data = FileIO.load(outpath*"/df_write_bench_1m.jld")
res1m = data["res1m"]
(julres, rres) = res1m
plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, 1_000_000, false)
julres = bench_df_write_read(10_000_000, 100, outpath )
res1m = (julres, rres)
FileIO.save(outpath*"df_write_bench_10m.jld", "res1m", res1m)
# show read and write
data = FileIO.load(outpath*"/df_write_bench_10m.jld")
res1m = data["res1m"]
(julres, rres) = res1m
plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, 10_000_000)
wtimes = vcat([mean(a.times)/1e9 for a in julres[1]], rres[1:2:5])
rtimes = vcat([mean(a.times)/1e9 for a in julres[2]], rres[2:2:6])
df = DataFrame(pkg = ["Feather.jl","TextParse.jl","JLD.jl","Pandas","fst","data.table","R feather"],
wtimes = wtimes,
rtimes = rtimes)
julres = bench_df_write_read(100_000_000, 100, outpath )
res1m = (julres, rres)
FileIO.save(outpath*"df_write_bench_100m.jld", "res1m", res1m)
# show read and write
data = FileIO.load(outpath*"/df_write_bench_100m.jld")
res1m = data["res1m"]
(julres, rres) = res1m
plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, 100_000_000)
# # show writing test
# data = FileIO.load("e:/df_write_bench_1m_more.jld")
# res1m = data["res1m"]
# (julres, rres) = res1m
# plot_bench_df_read_write(julres, rres, 1_000_000, false)
# if true
# julres = bench_df_write_read(1_000_000, 100, outpath, false )
# rres=rreadwrite(outpath)
# res1m = (julres, rres)
# FileIO.save("d:/tmp/df_write_bench_1m_more.jld", "res1m", res1m)
# end