GLMakie: LScene aspect ratio

How can I change the aspect ration of an LScene?
Previously, I, following the suggestion from Makie aspect ratio 3D plot, used the scale! function:

import GLMakie as mak

x = y = range(-10, 10, 101)
z = range(-5, 5, 101)
F = [exp(-(xi^2 + yi^2 + zi^2) / 2^2) for xi=x, yi=y, zi=z]

xr, yr, zr = (x[1],x[end]), (y[1],y[end]), (z[1],z[end])

scale = (1, 1, 2)

fig = mak.Figure()
ax = mak.LScene(fig[1,1])
mak.scale!(ax.scene, scale)
mak.volume!(ax, xr, yr, zr, F)

However, after the recent Makie update, it does not work anymore. The two figures below show the result obtained with scale = (1, 1, 1) (top) and scale = (1, 1, 2) (bottom).
As you can see, now the scaling changes the axes instead of changing the aspect ratio.

That’s a bug caused by the boundingbox changes in 0.21. Would be good to have an issue for this