Why i have elongated scene with code
ts, tf = 1, 9000000
idx, idy, idz = 2, 1, 3
xl, yl, zl = labels3d(idx,idy, idz)
f = Figure(resolution = (1200, 900))
ax = LScene(f[1, 1])
lines!(tr[ts:tf, idx], tr[ts:tf, idy], tr[ts:tf, idz], linewidth = 1.0, color = :green)
#lines!(tr1[ts:tf, idx], tr1[ts:tf, idy], tr1[ts:tf, idz], linewidth = 0.5, color = :blue)
scatter!(fp[1][idx], fp[1][idy], fp[1][idz], markersize = 10, color = :red)