When plotting into an LScene and by using an Axis, the output figure is always rescaled into the data limits, making sometimes hard to see things, if one of the variables is too large or to low.
Given the range of input data along each axis, if one wants to scale the output independently by 1x, 2x and 40x for example, along x-, y- and z-axis, I think this works:
scene = Scene(resolution = (600, 400))
scale!(scene, 1, 2, 40)
For somewhat cubic plots regardless of limits in each direction, I usually do something like:
lims = ((0, 100), (0, 4), (0, 150))
xlims!(scene, lims[1])
ylims!(scene, lims[2])
zlims!(scene, lims[3])
m = maximum(abs(x[2] - x[1]) for x in lims)
a = [m / abs(x[2] - x[1]) for x in lims]
scale!(scene, a...)
With Axis3 yes but that is more for final display of some data, not fully interactive exploration. You can only rotate around but for many things that’s enough