Emacs ESS and Windows

I am trying to use emacs with ESS to work with Julia, but when I load Julia through emacs it hangs. Basically, the issue appears to be the same as https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/issues/162 where it is claimed that the bug lies with Julia, and not with ESS.

I cannot replicate or debug this since I don’t use Windows, but if you want this fixed your best bet is replicating it, then, if it is indeed a Julia bug, opening an issue and possibly submitting a PR for fixing it.

Otherwise, the intersection of Windows, Julia, Emacs, & ESS users may be too small for anyone to work on this, which is why I suspect this issue has been dormant so long.

You might want to try bash for windows or cygwin.

I can reproduce (running julia from the emacs shell works but doesn’t
display a prompt, which apparently is the root cause of Julia not
working in ESS). I’m not really sure how to troubleshoot whether it’s
something the REPL is doing wrong or something weird about the emacs
shell environment.

you can also just open julia in a *shell* buffer and call M-x ess-remote on it

Given that the problem exists when opened in a *shell* buffer do you think that will solve the issue? (I’m not familiar with ESS)

Is there any way to get a workaround for this issue of not displaying the prompt for any emacs *shell* buffer calling julia? Here’s an updated issue since the OP that reiterates the issue of lacking a prompt for Windows OS: #715 comment. I don’t know how I should go about replicating it and opening an issue, but I’m willing to do so.

I have been developing exclusively on my office OS X using emacs ESS, but it would be great to also be able to debug on my laptop.

Just bumped into this bug. W10, Emacs 27.x, Julia 1.5.1 and ESS.

Could it be a problem with the terminal settings of the Julia executable? Terminals (and shells) are known to have issues on W10.