Julia Computing will be offering a free two hour online tutorial on December 19 at 9AM CT that will show you some of Julia’s awesome features and teach you that high-level code and performance are not mutually exclusive.
The tutorial won’t require any prior knowledge of Julia as we will start with the basics. Our aim is that you will feel confident starting to use Julia in your own work by the end of the tutorial!
Topics will include the package ecosystem, linear algebra, and multiple dispatch.
This is a really nice introduction to Julia and definitely deserves to be on https://julialang.org/learning/! Will you be running all the rest of the tutorials or are there plans to invite the authors of some popular packages to talk too?
Thanks! Right now we’re thinking that we’ll shoot for an average of two tutorials per month; I’ll run the same basic intro tutorial once a month and then we’ll have deeper dives & package specific tutorials about once per month. For the latter type of tutorial, we’re hoping to recruit the authors (or well-acquainted users) of popular packages to speak as well!
Great tutorial. Are the notebooks you use just the next.juliabox.com ones? If so, is there anyway I can point people not using next.juliabox.com to get the latest notebook files (i.e., students of mine who may have Jupyter isntalled themselves, or are using a Julia on a different Jupyter server)?
I can obviously copy them down myself, but thought it better to send people to the official source if possible.
Sorry for the delay, and thanks for the feedback! Yes, the notebooks I was using during the tutorial are just the next.juliabox.com ones. I can put these notebooks up in a publicly accessible place on github if you think that would be helpful. I have a few updates to make first. I’ll ping this thread again once I’ve done that.