[ANN] Pluto 0.17.6

Hi all, we hope you had a nice holiday! (Did you like Pluto’s special holiday release?) We have some big new features ready!

:new_moon_with_face: Dark mode

The number 1 most requested feature is there, and we think it looks really nice! Pluto now automatically matches the dark/light setting of your OS. It’s never too late to learn more about scientific computing!

Thank you Paolo Bignardi for your help!

:newspaper: Logging

Also a long time in the making: we now support @info, @warn, @error and more from the Logging system. This means that you can get messages from your code while it is still running!

logs demo 3

Thank you Paul Berg for adding support for ProgressLogging.jl!

logs demo 1

:steam_locomotive: Offline support

The new version of Pluto works without an internet connection: all the necessary JavaScript and CSS assets to use Pluto are bundled through the Julia package manager! So update Pluto before going on your next international train trip!

Thank you Michiel Dral for thinking about the environment!

– the Pluto team!


Awesome new features!

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 with dark mode enabled, but Pluto still shows up in light mode. Is there anyway to manually set dark mode?

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Oh no! This might be a browser issue, Firefox/Chrome/etc should tell websites whether you prefer dark mode.

Is this site light or dark? If it’s also light (it should automatically match), then try searching for solutions for your browser/OS online.


The website is light in my browser. I will do some searching tomorrow and report back with any solutions that I find.

Just updated Pluto, dark mode looks fantastic :star_struck:, thank you!!!

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I followed these instructions to enable dark mode in Chrome.

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Awesome! I’ve noticed that the progress bar gets hidden by the logging messages when using @progress while also logging in the same cell, although I can hover with mouse on the progress bar to display it completely (basically, the progress bar is treated like any other logging message). Is this the intended behaviour? To me, it feels like the progress bar should be always visible, and that the logging messages should be below it. But maybe it was intended for the progress bar to be treated like a logging message and to be hidden by other logging messages.

Pluto team, dark mode looks so good(or more like dope lol)!! Gotta check those logging methods provided by the team, pretty sure it will reduce looking back again n again for outputs in repl by alot.
I noticed that my text cursor is still dark in pluto notebook but it became white everywhere else. Might be a bug.


it’s impressive work, congratulations! Yet I beg to have the option to toggle it, as Pluto’s dark theme will override the browser’s dark theme (see below right, the darker one, which I prefer to retain).

it’s affecting other sites as well, needs to refresh on each page to restore browser’s night mode


Very impressive. I, too, really like the new dark theme. I’m also very excited to see support for displaying progress bars. One of the things I really like about the progress bars from ProgressMeter.jl is that it also displays an ETA. Is this something that could be added to Pluto as well? Once again, thanks for the great work!


That wouldn’t be too hard! If you know a bit of react.js, consider opening a pull request! You can reach us in the Pluto developers chat if you want to know more.