After installing Pluto.jl, julia no longer runs, Win10

I’ve installed Julia on Win10 using the command:

winget install julia -s msstore

Found Julia [9NJNWW8PVKMN] Version Unknown

I was able to launch the Julia REPL without error. I followed the instructions on Pluto.jl — interactive Julia programming environment and from the REPL executed:

import Pkg; Pkg.add("Pluto")

Shortly after, the REPL window closed. I tried launching the REPL again and it closes. I try running julia from the command line and I get:

Error: The Julia launcher failed to determine the command for the `release` channel.

Caused by:
    0: Failed to normalize path for Julia binary, starting from `C:\Users\xenophod\.julia\juliaup\juliaup.json`.
    1: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)


When I run juliiaup status, I can see the release:

C:\Users\xenophod>juliaup status
 Default  Channel  Version                   Update
       *  release  1.10.4+0.x64.w64.mingw32

I’ve uninstalled julia and deleted the hidden folder located in my profiile C:\Users\xenophod.julia.

winget remove julia -s msstore

and then reinstalled, but I cannot julia to run again. I keep getting the same error.

Is this happening because my “PATH” doesn’t have julia on it anymore? Why would installing Pluto break my “PATH”?

(EDIT: Rebooting helped clear out whatever was stopping the uninstall/reinstall process from working.)

Do you have some kind of antivirus that may have quarantined Julia?

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In addition to @mkitti’s question, maybe manually add it to your PATH and then call Julia in PowerShell and see what happens?

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While we do employ AV, it didn’t quarantine Julia. I believe something happened to my path after installing Pluto.
I added jl_runtime_path = C:\Users\xenophod.julia to my “User variables” and that didn’t seem to help. Only rebooting seemed to clear whatever Pluto did.

If I had rebooted right after installing, I believe Julia would still have worked. After rebooting, uninstalling and reinstalling, it was added back to my path and loaded correctly. I’m not sure if the User variable was needed or helped. Either way, I’ll steer away from installing Pluto for now.

The odd thing was I could still use juliaup…

Although, I don’t see julia on my path at all… oh, it’s in my “user variables” “path” under “%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps” and I see it in the dropdown for my terminal: 2024-07-25_11-54-53

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