I’ve installed Julia on Win10 using the command:
winget install julia -s msstore
Found Julia [9NJNWW8PVKMN] Version Unknown
I was able to launch the Julia REPL without error. I followed the instructions on Pluto.jl — interactive Julia programming environment and from the REPL executed:
import Pkg; Pkg.add("Pluto")
Shortly after, the REPL window closed. I tried launching the REPL again and it closes. I try running julia from the command line and I get:
Error: The Julia launcher failed to determine the command for the `release` channel.
Caused by:
0: Failed to normalize path for Julia binary, starting from `C:\Users\xenophod\.julia\juliaup\juliaup.json`.
1: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)
When I run juliiaup status, I can see the release:
C:\Users\xenophod>juliaup status
Default Channel Version Update
* release 1.10.4+0.x64.w64.mingw32
I’ve uninstalled julia and deleted the hidden folder located in my profiile C:\Users\xenophod.julia.
winget remove julia -s msstore
and then reinstalled, but I cannot julia to run again. I keep getting the same error.
Is this happening because my “PATH” doesn’t have julia on it anymore? Why would installing Pluto break my “PATH”?
(EDIT: Rebooting helped clear out whatever was stopping the uninstall/reinstall process from working.)