Based on the solution provided by @jipolanco, I wrote this function, which works with vectors. It assumes x is always passed. Maybe someone else finds it useful.
using WriteVTK
Save a set of points and associated field data to a VTK file.
# Arguments
- `save_file_path::String`: Path to save the VTK file (without `.vtu` extension)
- `x::Vector{T}`: x-coordinates of the points.
- `y::Union{Vector{T}, Nothing}`: y-coordinates of the points
(defaults to zeros if `nothing`).
- `z::Union{Vector{T}, Nothing}`: z-coordinates of the points
(defaults to zeros if `nothing`).
- `fields::Dict{String, Vector{T}}`: Dictionary of field data to associate with
the points.
# Example
x = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
y = [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
T = [10.0, 20.0, 30.0]
pointsToVTK("./output", x, y, fields=Dict("T" => T))
function pointsToVTK(
y::Union{Vector{T}, Nothing}=nothing,
z::Union{Vector{T}, Nothing}=nothing;
fields::Dict{String, Vector{T}}
) where {T <: Real}
# Remove the .vtu extension if it exists
if endswith(save_file_path, ".vtu")
save_file_path = replace(save_file_path, ".vtu" => "")
# Default y to zeros if not provided
if y === nothing
y = zeros(T, length(x))
# Default z to zeros if not provided
if z === nothing
z = zeros(T, length(x))
# Ensure x, y, and z have the same length
@assert length(x) == length(y) == length(z) "x, y, z lengths must match"
npoints = length(x)
# Create cells for each point
cells = [MeshCell(VTKCellTypes.VTK_VERTEX, (i, )) for i = 1:npoints]
# Write the VTK file
vtk_grid(save_file_path, x, y, z, cells) do vtk
for (name, values) in fields
vtk[name, VTKPointData()] = values
I used it like this in my application:
XY, TT = get_control_points_and_temperatures(1.0)
x = [xy[1] for xy in XY[:]] # vector
y = [xy[2] for xy in XY[:]] # vector
T = TT[:] # vector
T2 = T .- 5 # vector
pointsToVTK("./points", x, y, fields=Dict("Temp"=>T, "Temp_shifted"=>T2))