I’m in the process of updating a module I’ve been working on due to breaking changes in DataFrames. Using Pkg.test
to call the tests that I had setup before the breaking changes works when I run it through the Atom/Juno console but not in REPL. In the REPL I get the following errors.
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching convert(::Type{AssertionError}, ::String)
Closest candidates are:
convert(::Type{Any}, ::ANY) at essentials.jl:28
convert(::Type{T}, ::T) where T at essentials.jl:29
[1] AssertionError(::String) at ./coreimg.jl:14
[2] update_valid_age!(::UInt64, ::UInt64, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:2353
[3] abstract_call_gf_by_type(::Any, ::Any, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:1431
[4] abstract_call(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:1897
[5] abstract_eval_call(::Expr, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:1927
[6] abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:1950
[7] abstract_interpret(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:2076
[8] typeinf_work(::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:2669
[9] typeinf(::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:2787
[10] typeinf_edge(::Method, ::Any, ::SimpleVector, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:2535
[11] abstract_call_gf_by_type(::Any, ::Any, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:1420
[12] abstract_call(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:1897
[13] abstract_eval_call(::Expr, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:1927
[14] abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:1950
[15] typeinf_work(::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:2722
[16] typeinf(::Core.Inference.InferenceState) at ./inference.jl:2787
[17] typeinf_frame(::Core.MethodInstance, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Core.Inference.InferenceParams) at ./inference.jl:2504
[18] typeinf_code(::Core.MethodInstance, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Core.Inference.InferenceParams) at ./inference.jl:2583
[19] typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInstance, ::UInt64) at ./inference.jl:2622
I can call the function itself from the console in Atom and it works as well. What is interference.jl?
Julia 0.6.1
Commit 0d7248e2ff (2017-10-24 22:15 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz
LAPACK: libopenblas64_
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)
Dict{String,VersionNumber} with 78 entries:
"Libz" => v"0.2.4"
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"StatsFuns" => v"0.5.0"
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"Atom" => v"0.6.5"
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"Conda" => v"0.7.0"
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"Reexport" => v"0.0.3"
"NaNMath" => v"0.3.0"
"URIParser" => v"0.2.0"
"DataStreams" => v"0.3.1"
"Rmath" => v"0.3.0"
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"HttpCommon" => v"0.3.0"
"Codecs" => v"0.4.0"
Atom 1.21.1 x64
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