The Windows Terminal uses a GPU accelerated DirectWrite/DirectX-based text rendering engine. This new text rendering engine will display text characters, glyphs, and symbols present within fonts on your PC, including CJK ideograms, emoji, powerline symbols, icons, programming ligatures, etc. This engine also renders text much faster than the previous Console’s GDI engine!
this can be a huge step for windows REPL julia sessions, what do you think?
Possibly Microsoft should just go to the logical conclusion directly: port Office, fix everything in Wine so that people can run legacy programs, and make “Windows” a theme for a Linux desktop environment.
For those who may be interested in integrating Julia with Windows terminal.
After Windows terminal is launched, go to setting (Unlike mine, you should only have a Windows PowerShell entry by default )
A JSON configuration file will be opened with some editor (for me, it is VS Code). In the “list” items, we see the default entry for Windows Powershell. Next, we will add an entry for Julia.
Copy the entry of Windows Powershell and paste it below (still inside “list”).
3.1 Change the “guid” to make it unique, e.g., simply change one digit in the original “guid”.
3.2 Change “commandline” to the correct path of the Julia executable (julia.exe).
3.3 Change other properties as you like. The JetBrains Mono font is highly recommended. (Of course, you must have it installed on your system first.)
The snapshot of the final result on my system is given below.
Do note that the comma inside the green box above is required for a legal JSON file.
Now return to the Windows terminal. You will find Julia just there.
Click it and the Julia terminal is launched as usual. Done! You can beautify further the appearance, e.g., pick a theme of your favourite.
I have also used OhMyREPL above for better syntax highlighting in Julia.
That’s exactly the thing I did
I am very happy with it. Also the windows terminal has no issues with unicode. I would recommend using it.
Thanks for your guide @Shuhua
Thanks for the write-up, @Shuhua, just one thing. I repeatedly got an error box:
Failed to load settings
Setting could not be reloaded from file. Check for syntax errors including trailing commas. Temporarily using the Windows Terminal default settings.
It turns out that this happens when I just modify a character in the original guid. Instead I used an online guid generator, and then it worked. Maybe you can put this info into your otherwise great guide.