Will decreasing the precision of intermediate variables improve performance of code?

I found from a Youtube video that half-precision is significantly faster than single and double precision. [JuliaCon 2018 | Keynote - Tricks and Tips in Numerical Computing | Nick Higham - YouTube](2018 | Keynote - Tricks and Tips in Numerical Computing | Nick Higham)

Does it make sense to convert all parameters used in code to the datatype which occupies the least amount of memory? Should I convert the type of any variable to the one that occupies the lowest space to improve performance? (Int64 -> Int32 -> Int16 or Float64 -> Float32)

For example, Consider a code which creates a dataset. If my code accepts floating-point numbers which can be of type Float32, but the final dataset created is of type Float64, is it a good idea to keep the format of those integers to Float32 or Float64?

The origin of this question comes from the non-linear decrease in performance seen in my experiments with making an array of random numbers.

@benchmark rand(Int8,10000000)
  memory estimate:  9.54 MiB
  allocs estimate:  2
  minimum time:     2.326 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      2.510 ms (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        2.660 ms (4.29% GC)
  maximum time:     15.080 ms (3.74% GC)
  samples:          1872
  evals/sample:     1
@benchmark rand(Int16,10000000)
  memory estimate:  19.07 MiB
  allocs estimate:  2
  minimum time:     4.163 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      7.763 ms (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        13.422 ms (8.55% GC)
  maximum time:     88.896 ms (92.07% GC)
  samples:          374
  evals/sample:     1
@benchmark rand(Int32,10000000)
  memory estimate:  38.15 MiB
  allocs estimate:  2
  minimum time:     47.230 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      53.894 ms (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        54.947 ms (8.60% GC)
  maximum time:     126.817 ms (55.10% GC)
  samples:          91
  evals/sample:     1
@benchmark rand(Int64,10000000)
  memory estimate:  76.29 MiB
  allocs estimate:  2
  minimum time:     93.666 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      108.686 ms (11.71% GC)
  mean time:        112.493 ms (9.26% GC)
  maximum time:     229.811 ms (41.48% GC)
  samples:          45
  evals/sample:     1

Smaller precision can improve performance, but can also decrease performance. Not all processors have the same hardware support for all sorts of floats, and some iterstive algorithms need to run longer if the precision is different, so it’s hard to say something in general. What can be said is that for lower-precision numbers, more of them fit into any given level of cache, which is a good thing. If a program spends significant amounts of time doing SIMD operations, those will also be sped up by going to Float32 instead of Float64, but I’m not sure that holds for float16.

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I did part of my dissertation with Float32, because the data was stored and given to me in that format, and because I could ensure all the most computationaly intense parts were SIMD.

I regret not immediately promoting to Float64 at the start of the analysis. An endless stream of bugs caused be the low precision, and then a lot of checks needed to be added to look for and address them. A solution that always worked was to reanalyze the same data as Float64 . It would have definitely saved a lot of human time to do that from the start. Probably would have saved a lot of computer time too, in the end.
(Edit: Cholesky factorization of 3x3 matrices was the most problematic part of the code. Positive definite matrices would routinely fail in single precision.)
I tried to make it work for as long as I did because I was curious precisely about this idea. I don’t regret trying, but the lesson from the experience was abundantly clear: use Float64.

Of course, this is very work-load dependent. Statistics, solving of equations, factorization, pdes, etc require high precision. Many machine learning algorithms don’t, and rather than suffering from convergence issues or critical failures, some even call it “free regularization”.


In my experience the only valid reason so far to switch from Float64 to Float32 in very large datasets is to halve the required space (most importantly that of the video memory in GPU-based applications).

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Data storage: maybe, if storage space is a concern, either in memory or the disk.

Intermediate calculations: only if you have the skills and the time to invest into thinking the error analysis through. This may make sense for climate calculations running on supercomputer clusters, but for your typical numerical calculation that runs on a few cores, it is usually not worth it.

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Here’s an example of performances getting worse when performing Float32 math involving an Int64 loop variable.

The solution in that case was to explicitly use an Int32 loop variable:

for i in Int32(1):N

However that Int32(1) is rather unpleasant to look at and, notably, very easy to forget with disastrous consequences.

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Is it possible that positive definite matrices would ‘routinely fail’ in single precision because the function (in this case, Cholesky factorisation) used in the code chooses tolerence and other parameters w.r.t. a Float64 type input? I have a feeling that if we type the entire code using Float32 values, then the performance may improve. For example, since machine learning algorithms typically perform better in Float32 because the entire training process is written accordingly.

Is the decrease in performance in your code because of implicit type conversion in the code? Also, what are the possible ‘disastrous consequences’?

No, it just happens that CPUs with a certain instruction sets have a native instruction to convert multiple Int32 into floats in one instruction while they don’t have one for Int64.

The disastrous consequences is just a slowdown due to not using SIMD anymore.

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Here is an example of code that would routinely fail with Float32 but not Float64. The input is the matrix BPP. Each row is a separate data point, while columns 1-3 correspend to a vector, and columns 5-10 the upper triangle fo a symmetric matrix S. The function solves for x in Lx = y, where L * L' = S:

function process_big_prop_points!(X::AbstractMatrix{T}, BPP::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T}
    @fastmath @inbounds for i ∈ 1:size(BPP,1)
        y1 = BPP[i,1]
        y2 = BPP[i,2]
        y3 = BPP[i,3]

        R11 = one(T) / sqrt(BPP[i,5])
        x1 = R11 * y1
        L21 = R11 * BPP[i,6]
        L31 = R11 * BPP[i,8]
        R22 = one(T) / sqrt(BPP[i,7] - L21*L21)
        x2 = R22 * (y2 - L21*x1)
        L32 = R22 * (BPP[i,9] - L21 * L31)
        R33 = one(T) / sqrt(BPP[i,10] - L31*L31 - L32*L32)

        X[i,1] = x1
        X[i,2] = x2
        X[i,3] = R33 * (y3 - L31*x1 - L32*x2)

You can see the vectorization easily by looking at the LLVM:



; julia> code_llvm(process_big_prop_points!, Tuple{Matrix{Float64},Matrix{Float64}}, debuginfo=:none)
define nonnull %jl_value_t* @"japi1_process_big_prop_points!_5934"(%jl_value_t* %0, %jl_value_t** %1, i32 %2) #0 {
  %3 = alloca %jl_value_t**, align 8
  store volatile %jl_value_t** %1, %jl_value_t*** %3, align 8
  %4 = getelementptr inbounds %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %1, i64 1
  %5 = load %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %4, align 8
  %6 = bitcast %jl_value_t* %5 to %jl_value_t**
  %7 = getelementptr inbounds %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %6, i64 3
  %8 = bitcast %jl_value_t** %7 to i64*
  %9 = load i64, i64* %8, align 8
  %.inv = icmp sgt i64 %9, 0
  %10 = select i1 %.inv, i64 %9, i64 0
  br i1 %.inv, label %L13.preheader, label %L64

L13.preheader:                                    ; preds = %top
  %11 = load %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %1, align 8
  %12 = bitcast %jl_value_t* %5 to double**
  %13 = load double*, double** %12, align 8
  %14 = shl i64 %9, 1
  %15 = shl i64 %9, 2
  %16 = mul i64 %9, 5
  %17 = mul i64 %9, 7
  %18 = mul i64 %9, 6
  %19 = shl i64 %9, 3
  %20 = mul i64 %9, 9
  %21 = bitcast %jl_value_t* %11 to double**
  %22 = load double*, double** %21, align 8
  %23 = bitcast %jl_value_t* %11 to %jl_value_t**
  %24 = getelementptr inbounds %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %23, i64 3
  %25 = bitcast %jl_value_t** %24 to i64*
  %26 = load i64, i64* %25, align 8
  %27 = shl i64 %26, 1
  br label %L13

L13:                                              ; preds = %L13, %L13.preheader
  %value_phi3 = phi i64 [ %80, %L13 ], [ 1, %L13.preheader ]
  %28 = add nsw i64 %value_phi3, -1
  %29 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %13, i64 %28
  %30 = load double, double* %29, align 8
  %31 = add i64 %28, %9
  %32 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %13, i64 %31
  %33 = load double, double* %32, align 8
  %34 = add i64 %28, %14
  %35 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %13, i64 %34
  %36 = load double, double* %35, align 8
  %37 = add i64 %28, %15
  %38 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %13, i64 %37
  %39 = load double, double* %38, align 8
  %40 = call fast double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double %39)
  %41 = fdiv fast double 1.000000e+00, %40
  %42 = fmul fast double %41, %30
  %43 = add i64 %28, %16
  %44 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %13, i64 %43
  %45 = load double, double* %44, align 8
  %46 = fmul fast double %45, %41
  %47 = add i64 %28, %17
  %48 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %13, i64 %47
  %49 = load double, double* %48, align 8
  %50 = fmul fast double %49, %41
  %51 = add i64 %28, %18
  %52 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %13, i64 %51
  %53 = load double, double* %52, align 8
  %54 = fmul fast double %46, %46
  %55 = fsub fast double %53, %54
  %56 = call fast double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double %55)
  %57 = fdiv fast double 1.000000e+00, %56
  %58 = fmul fast double %46, %42
  %59 = fsub fast double %33, %58
  %60 = fmul fast double %57, %59
  %61 = add i64 %28, %19
  %62 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %13, i64 %61
  %63 = load double, double* %62, align 8
  %64 = fmul fast double %50, %46
  %65 = fsub fast double %63, %64
  %66 = fmul fast double %65, %57
  %67 = add i64 %28, %20
  %68 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %13, i64 %67
  %69 = load double, double* %68, align 8
  %.neg = fmul fast double %50, %50
  %.neg9 = fmul fast double %66, %66
  %reass.add = fadd fast double %.neg9, %.neg
  %70 = fsub fast double %69, %reass.add
  %71 = call fast double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double %70)
  %72 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %22, i64 %28
  store double %42, double* %72, align 8
  %73 = add i64 %28, %26
  %74 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %22, i64 %73
  store double %60, double* %74, align 8
  %.neg10 = fmul fast double %50, %42
  %.neg11 = fmul fast double %66, %60
  %reass.add12 = fadd fast double %.neg11, %.neg10
  %75 = fsub fast double %36, %reass.add12
  %76 = fdiv fast double %75, %71
  %77 = add i64 %28, %27
  %78 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %22, i64 %77
  store double %76, double* %78, align 8
  %79 = icmp eq i64 %value_phi3, %10
  %80 = add nuw i64 %value_phi3, 1
  br i1 %79, label %L64, label %L13

L64:                                              ; preds = %L13, %top
  ret %jl_value_t* inttoptr (i64 139708209337840 to %jl_value_t*)


; define nonnull %jl_value_t* @"japi1_process_big_prop_points!_5935"(%jl_value_t* %0, %jl_value_t** %1, i32 %2) #0 {
  %3 = alloca %jl_value_t**, align 8
  store volatile %jl_value_t** %1, %jl_value_t*** %3, align 8
  %4 = getelementptr inbounds %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %1, i64 1
  %5 = load %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %4, align 8
  %6 = bitcast %jl_value_t* %5 to %jl_value_t**
  %7 = getelementptr inbounds %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %6, i64 3
  %8 = bitcast %jl_value_t** %7 to i64*
  %9 = load i64, i64* %8, align 8
  %.inv = icmp sgt i64 %9, 0
  %10 = select i1 %.inv, i64 %9, i64 0
  br i1 %.inv, label %L13.preheader, label %L64

L13.preheader:                                    ; preds = %top
  %11 = load %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %1, align 8
  %12 = bitcast %jl_value_t* %5 to float**
  %13 = load float*, float** %12, align 8
  %14 = shl i64 %9, 1
  %15 = shl i64 %9, 2
  %16 = mul i64 %9, 5
  %17 = mul i64 %9, 7
  %18 = mul i64 %9, 6
  %19 = shl i64 %9, 3
  %20 = mul i64 %9, 9
  %21 = bitcast %jl_value_t* %11 to float**
  %22 = load float*, float** %21, align 8
  %23 = bitcast %jl_value_t* %11 to %jl_value_t**
  %24 = getelementptr inbounds %jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t** %23, i64 3
  %25 = bitcast %jl_value_t** %24 to i64*
  %26 = load i64, i64* %25, align 8
  %27 = shl i64 %26, 1
  br label %L13

L13:                                              ; preds = %L13, %L13.preheader
  %value_phi3 = phi i64 [ %80, %L13 ], [ 1, %L13.preheader ]
  %28 = add nsw i64 %value_phi3, -1
  %29 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %13, i64 %28
  %30 = load float, float* %29, align 4
  %31 = add i64 %28, %9
  %32 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %13, i64 %31
  %33 = load float, float* %32, align 4
  %34 = add i64 %28, %14
  %35 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %13, i64 %34
  %36 = load float, float* %35, align 4
  %37 = add i64 %28, %15
  %38 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %13, i64 %37
  %39 = load float, float* %38, align 4
  %40 = call fast float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %39)
  %41 = fdiv fast float 1.000000e+00, %40
  %42 = fmul fast float %41, %30
  %43 = add i64 %28, %16
  %44 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %13, i64 %43
  %45 = load float, float* %44, align 4
  %46 = fmul fast float %45, %41
  %47 = add i64 %28, %17
  %48 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %13, i64 %47
  %49 = load float, float* %48, align 4
  %50 = fmul fast float %49, %41
  %51 = add i64 %28, %18
  %52 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %13, i64 %51
  %53 = load float, float* %52, align 4
  %54 = fmul fast float %46, %46
  %55 = fsub fast float %53, %54
  %56 = call fast float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %55)
  %57 = fdiv fast float 1.000000e+00, %56
  %58 = fmul fast float %46, %42
  %59 = fsub fast float %33, %58
  %60 = fmul fast float %57, %59
  %61 = add i64 %28, %19
  %62 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %13, i64 %61
  %63 = load float, float* %62, align 4
  %64 = fmul fast float %50, %46
  %65 = fsub fast float %63, %64
  %66 = fmul fast float %65, %57
  %67 = add i64 %28, %20
  %68 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %13, i64 %67
  %69 = load float, float* %68, align 4
  %.neg = fmul fast float %50, %50
  %.neg9 = fmul fast float %66, %66
  %reass.add = fadd fast float %.neg9, %.neg
  %70 = fsub fast float %69, %reass.add
  %71 = call fast float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %70)
  %72 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %22, i64 %28
  store float %42, float* %72, align 4
  %73 = add i64 %28, %26
  %74 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %22, i64 %73
  store float %60, float* %74, align 4
  %.neg10 = fmul fast float %50, %42
  %.neg11 = fmul fast float %66, %60
  %reass.add12 = fadd fast float %.neg11, %.neg10
  %75 = fsub fast float %36, %reass.add12
  %76 = fdiv fast float %75, %71
  %77 = add i64 %28, %27
  %78 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %22, i64 %77
  store float %76, float* %78, align 4
  %79 = icmp eq i64 %value_phi3, %10
  %80 = add nuw i64 %value_phi3, 1
  br i1 %79, label %L64, label %L13

L64:                                              ; preds = %L13, %top
  ret %jl_value_t* inttoptr (i64 139708209337840 to %jl_value_t*)

Notice all the <8 x double> with Float64 and <16 x float> with Float32.

The code was written to be SIMD across iterations of the loop. This means that while what I wrote says for i ∈ 1:size(BPP,1), what actually happens with Float32 is for _i ∈ 1:15:size(BPP,1); i = _i:_i+15, and for Float64 is for _i ∈ 1:7:size(BPP,1); i = _i:_i+7. That is, instead of calculating 1 iteration of a loop at a time, it calculates 16 or 8 of the iterations of the loop in parallel using SIMD instructions.
That is the major advantage of Float32: twice as many of them fit in a register, so IF it is using SIMD instructions, it’ll be able to calculate twice as much at a time.
This, and less cache pressure/memory bandwidth needed (for many problems, that’s a much bigger concern). They are the two main reasons why Float32 is faster for the above example.

A second reason for greater performance in that particular example isn’t generally applicable, but discussed below for the sake of thoroughness.


Sometimes, specialized CPU instructions exist for certain data types but not others. This is a less extreme example than gcalderone’s.

For example, my CPU has a “approximate inverse square root” instruction for Float32, but not for Float64. So for the Float32 case, the compiler can use this approximate instruction, and then add a Newton-Raphson iteration to make it more accurate. However, for Float64, the compiler is forced to use the square root instruction and then divide.
I did try square root and division instructions with Float32 as well. This took twice as long IIRC, and wasnt really more accurate.

# julia> code_native(process_big_prop_points!, Tuple{Matrix{Float64},Matrix{Float64}}, debuginfo=:none)
        pushq   %rbp
        pushq   %r15
        pushq   %r14
        pushq   %r13
        pushq   %r12
        pushq   %rbx
        movq    %rsi, -8(%rsp)
        movq    8(%rsi), %rax
        movq    24(%rax), %rdi
        testq   %rdi, %rdi
        jle     L300
        movq    %rdi, %rcx
        sarq    $63, %rcx
        andnq   %rdi, %rcx, %r8
        movq    (%rsi), %rcx
        movq    (%rax), %r15
        movq    (%rcx), %r9
        movq    24(%rcx), %r14
        leaq    (%r9,%r14,8), %r10
        shlq    $4, %r14
        addq    %r9, %r14
        leaq    (%rdi,%rdi,8), %rax
        leaq    (%r15,%rax,8), %r11
        movq    %rdi, %r12
        shlq    $6, %r12
        addq    %r15, %r12
        leaq    (%rdi,%rdi,2), %rsi
        shlq    $4, %rsi
        addq    %r15, %rsi
        imulq   $56, %rdi, %rbx
        addq    %r15, %rbx
        leaq    (%rdi,%rdi,4), %rax
        leaq    (%r15,%rax,8), %r13
        movq    %rdi, %rax
        shlq    $5, %rax
        addq    %r15, %rax
        leaq    (%r15,%rdi,8), %rdx
        shlq    $4, %rdi
        addq    %r15, %rdi
        xorl    %ecx, %ecx
        movabsq $.rodata.cst8, %rbp
        vmovsd  (%rbp), %xmm0           # xmm0 = mem[0],zero
        nopw    %cs:(%rax,%rax)
        vmovsd  (%rax,%rcx,8), %xmm1    # xmm1 = mem[0],zero
        vsqrtsd %xmm1, %xmm1, %xmm1
        vdivsd  %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm1
        vmulsd  (%r15,%rcx,8), %xmm1, %xmm2
        vmulsd  (%r13,%rcx,8), %xmm1, %xmm3
        vmulsd  (%rbx,%rcx,8), %xmm1, %xmm1
        vmovsd  (%rsi,%rcx,8), %xmm4    # xmm4 = mem[0],zero
        vfnmadd231sd    %xmm3, %xmm3, %xmm4 # xmm4 = -(xmm3 * xmm3) + xmm4
        vsqrtsd %xmm4, %xmm4, %xmm4
        vdivsd  %xmm4, %xmm0, %xmm4
        vmovsd  (%rdx,%rcx,8), %xmm5    # xmm5 = mem[0],zero
        vfnmadd231sd    %xmm2, %xmm3, %xmm5 # xmm5 = -(xmm3 * xmm2) + xmm5
        vmulsd  %xmm5, %xmm4, %xmm5
        vfnmadd213sd    (%r12,%rcx,8), %xmm1, %xmm3 # xmm3 = -(xmm1 * xmm3) + mem
        vmulsd  %xmm4, %xmm3, %xmm3
        vmulsd  %xmm1, %xmm1, %xmm4
        vfnmsub231sd    %xmm3, %xmm3, %xmm4 # xmm4 = -(xmm3 * xmm3) - xmm4
        vaddsd  (%r11,%rcx,8), %xmm4, %xmm4
        vsqrtsd %xmm4, %xmm4, %xmm4
        vmulsd  %xmm2, %xmm1, %xmm1
        vfnmsub213sd    %xmm1, %xmm5, %xmm3 # xmm3 = -(xmm5 * xmm3) - xmm1
        vaddsd  (%rdi,%rcx,8), %xmm3, %xmm1
        vdivsd  %xmm4, %xmm1, %xmm1
        vmovsd  %xmm2, (%r9,%rcx,8)
        vmovsd  %xmm5, (%r10,%rcx,8)
        vmovsd  %xmm1, (%r14,%rcx,8)
        incq    %rcx
        cmpq    %rcx, %r8
        jne     L160
        movabsq $jl_system_image_data, %rax
        popq    %rbx
        popq    %r12
        popq    %r13
        popq    %r14
        popq    %r15
        popq    %rbp


        pushq   %rbp
        pushq   %r15
        pushq   %r14
        pushq   %r13
        pushq   %r12
        pushq   %rbx
        movq    %rsi, -8(%rsp)
        movq    8(%rsi), %rax
        movq    24(%rax), %rbx
        testq   %rbx, %rbx
        jle     L343
        movq    %rbx, %rcx
        sarq    $63, %rcx
        andnq   %rbx, %rcx, %r8
        movq    (%rsi), %rdx
        movq    (%rax), %rcx
        movq    (%rdx), %r14
        movq    24(%rdx), %rax
        leaq    (%r14,%rax,8), %r9
        leaq    (%r14,%rax,4), %r10
        leaq    (%rbx,%rbx,8), %rax
        leaq    (%rcx,%rax,4), %r11
        movq    %rbx, %r13
        shlq    $5, %r13
        addq    %rcx, %r13
        leaq    (%rbx,%rbx,2), %rdx
        leaq    (%rcx,%rdx,8), %r15
        leaq    (%rax,%rax,2), %rax
        addq    %rbx, %rax
        addq    %rcx, %rax
        leaq    (%rbx,%rbx,4), %rdx
        leaq    (%rcx,%rdx,4), %r12
        movq    %rbx, %rdx
        shlq    $4, %rdx
        addq    %rcx, %rdx
        leaq    (%rcx,%rbx,8), %rdi
        leaq    (%rcx,%rbx,4), %rbx
        xorl    %esi, %esi
        movabsq $.rodata.cst4, %rbp
        vmovss  (%rbp), %xmm0           # xmm0 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
        movabsq $139707740336728, %rbp  # imm = 0x7F103E3C3258
        vmovss  (%rbp), %xmm1           # xmm1 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
        vmovss  (%rdx,%rsi,4), %xmm2    # xmm2 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
        vrsqrtss        %xmm2, %xmm2, %xmm3
        vmulss  %xmm3, %xmm2, %xmm2
        vfmadd213ss     %xmm0, %xmm3, %xmm2 # xmm2 = (xmm3 * xmm2) + xmm0
        vmulss  %xmm1, %xmm3, %xmm3
        vmulss  %xmm2, %xmm3, %xmm2
        vmulss  (%rcx,%rsi,4), %xmm2, %xmm3
        vmulss  (%r12,%rsi,4), %xmm2, %xmm4
        vmulss  (%rax,%rsi,4), %xmm2, %xmm2
        vmovss  (%r15,%rsi,4), %xmm5    # xmm5 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
        vfnmadd231ss    %xmm4, %xmm4, %xmm5 # xmm5 = -(xmm4 * xmm4) + xmm5
        vrsqrtss        %xmm5, %xmm5, %xmm6
        vmulss  %xmm6, %xmm5, %xmm5
        vfmadd213ss     %xmm0, %xmm6, %xmm5 # xmm5 = (xmm6 * xmm5) + xmm0
        vmulss  %xmm1, %xmm6, %xmm6
        vmulss  %xmm5, %xmm6, %xmm5
        vmovss  (%rbx,%rsi,4), %xmm6    # xmm6 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
        vfnmadd231ss    %xmm3, %xmm4, %xmm6 # xmm6 = -(xmm4 * xmm3) + xmm6
        vfnmadd213ss    (%r13,%rsi,4), %xmm2, %xmm4 # xmm4 = -(xmm2 * xmm4) + mem
        vmulss  %xmm6, %xmm5, %xmm6
        vmulss  %xmm5, %xmm4, %xmm4
        vmulss  %xmm2, %xmm2, %xmm5
        vfnmsub231ss    %xmm4, %xmm4, %xmm5 # xmm5 = -(xmm4 * xmm4) - xmm5
        vaddss  (%r11,%rsi,4), %xmm5, %xmm5
        vrsqrtss        %xmm5, %xmm5, %xmm7
        vmulss  %xmm7, %xmm5, %xmm5
        vfmadd213ss     %xmm0, %xmm7, %xmm5 # xmm5 = (xmm7 * xmm5) + xmm0
        vmulss  %xmm1, %xmm7, %xmm7
        vmulss  %xmm5, %xmm7, %xmm5
        vmulss  %xmm3, %xmm2, %xmm2
        vfnmsub213ss    %xmm2, %xmm6, %xmm4 # xmm4 = -(xmm6 * xmm4) - xmm2
        vaddss  (%rdi,%rsi,4), %xmm4, %xmm2
        vmulss  %xmm5, %xmm2, %xmm2
        vmovss  %xmm3, (%r14,%rsi,4)
        vmovss  %xmm6, (%r10,%rsi,4)
        vmovss  %xmm2, (%r9,%rsi,4)
        incq    %rsi
        cmpq    %rsi, %r8
        jne     L160
        movabsq $jl_system_image_data, %rax
        popq    %rbx
        popq    %r12
        popq    %r13
        popq    %r14
        popq    %r15
        popq    %rbp

I have two points with that example:

  1. To actually benefit from SIMD, you must actually make sure that the code is getting vectorized. That will require you to choose data layouts accordingly, and make sure the autovectorizer is actually triggering – it’s easy to make changes to the above code and no longer get vectorization (or, at least, it was at the time – Julia’s gotten a better since then). And it isn’t just Julia – gfortran, for example, had two associated performance bugs, one of which resulted in, starting with the newly released gcc10, gfortran now inlining packing by default, and providing a flag -fno-inline-arg-packing to control that behavior. If you don’t pay careful attention to this, it is easy to lose any potential performance benefit. Serial Float64 instructions are just as fast as serial Float32 instructions. Same story if you’re calling library routines that aren’t paying attention either.
  1. That there were no tolerance parameters, it was just arithmetic. The problem is that BPP[i,10] - L31*L31 - L32*L32 often goes from being greater than zero with Float64 to less than zero with Float32. Many of the matrices weren’t especially well conditioned. Plus, there was a Gibbs Sampler involved.

Isn’t that simply because gpus are extremely much faster on Float32, while this is not the case for cpus?


Even when comparing 2 GPUs which are compatible with Float32 and Float64 types, we would find the former faster than latter. Of course, we cannot compare GPU to CPU for performance gains in machine learning. I further think that CPU may be faster using Float32 rather than Float64, even when GPUs are not used.

Thanks a lot for the elaborate explanation! This really helps a lot!