Performance comparison with C++

I found a very simple task where the Julia performances are unexpectedly and significantly worse than C++.

The core function to be benchmarked is as follows:

function subr!(d1, nx, ny, d2)
    for iy in 1:ny
        for ix in 1:nx
            d2[ix,iy] = d1[ix,iy] + ix + iy

where both d1 and d2 are Matrix{Float32}. The complete MWE for both Julia and C++ are available at the bottom of this post.

The performance ratio with respect to C++ (-O3) is of the order of ~5. The original author of the benchmark (see below) found an even worse ratio of ~10.

My julia version is:

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.1.0
Commit 80516ca202 (2019-01-21 21:24 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

but I obtained the same results with v1.3.0-rc2.

I tried all the tricks I am aware of. Among these:

  • start julia with julia -O3;
  • inspect the output of @code_warntype;
  • exchange row/column access order;
  • using @simd, @inbounds, @fastmath in many combinations;
  • using a Vector{Vector{Float32}} (as it actually works in C++), rather than a Matrix{Float32};

but none solved the problem.

Is there a reason why the Julia performances are so bad in this case?
Is there a way to improve performances by slightly tweaking the code shown below?

More info (as well as a comparison with many other languages) is available in the repo of the original author of the benchmark.

MWE in C++:

// Compile with:
// g++ -o test -O3 test.cpp

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void subr (float* d1[], int nx, int ny, float* d2[]) {
	for (int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++)
		for (int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++)
			d2[iy][ix] = d1[iy][ix] + ix + iy;

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
	int nrpt = 1000000;
	int nx = 2000;
	int ny = 10;
	printf ("Arrays have %d rows of %d columns, repeats = %d\n",ny,nx,nrpt);

	// Allocate and initialize
	float* d1Data = (float*) malloc (nx * ny * sizeof(float));
	float* d2Data = (float*) malloc (nx * ny * sizeof(float));
	float** d1 = (float**) malloc (ny * sizeof(float*));
	float** d2 = (float**) malloc (ny * sizeof(float*));
	for (int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
		d1[iy] = d1Data + iy * nx;
		d2[iy] = d2Data + iy * nx;
	for (int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++)
		for (int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++)
			d1[iy][ix] = float(nx - ix + ny - iy);

	// Main job
	for (int Loop = 0; Loop < nrpt; Loop++) {
		subr(d1, nx, ny, d2);

	// Check the results (all cells should contain the same value: nx+ny).
	bool Error = false;
	for (int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
		for (int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
			if (d2[iy][ix] != nx+ny) {
				Error = true;
				printf ("Error Out[%d][%d] = %f, not %f\n",iy,ix,
						d2[iy][ix],float(d1[iy][ix] + ix + iy));
		if (Error) break;
	return 0;

MWE in Julia:

function subr!(d1, nx, ny, d2)
    for iy in 1:ny
        for ix in 1:nx
            d2[ix,iy] = d1[ix,iy] + ix + iy

function main()
    nrpt = 1000000
    nx = 2000
    ny = 10
    println("Arrays have ",ny," rows of ",nx," columns, repeats = ",nrpt)

    # Allocate and initialize
    d1 = zeros(Float32,nx,ny)
    d2 = zeros(Float32,nx,ny)
    for iy in 1:ny, ix in 1:nx
        d1[ix,iy] = nx - ix + ny - iy

    # Warm-up
    # Main job
    @time for irpt in 1:nrpt
        subr!(d1, nx, ny, d2)

    # Check the results (all cells should contain the same value: nx+ny).
    for iy in 1:ny, ix in 1:nx
        if d2[ix,iy] != nx + ny
            println("error ", d2[ix,iy]," ",ix," ",iy)


Hi @gcalderone, are you attending ADASS too?

I too download the code and tried to optimize it, but with no avail: I basically tried the same tricks as you (@simd, @inbounds, even wrapping all the loops in functions), but timing never changed.

Unfortunately not… But I friend of mine sent me the link to the repo :wink:

Still, I was quite surprised at the result. I hope someone will provide some solution…

Is it because the julia matrix is column major, and you’re accessing it row by row? At first glance it looks like your iteration order is the same in C++ and julia

EDIT: no, probably isn’t this - hadn’t noticed you are swapping the indices when accessing the matrix

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The problem is you are not comparing the same code. In your C++ code the subr! routine uses Int32 indices in the for loop and in your Julia code you have Int64 indices. This is usually not a problem, but you add these to Float32 number. IIRC there is a SIMD instruction to convert Int32 to float but not for Int64 (resp only with AVX 512).

By using

function subr!(d1, nx, ny, d2)
    @inbounds for iy in Int32(1):Int32(ny), ix in Int32(1):Int32(nx)
        d2[ix,iy] = d1[ix,iy] + ix + iy

I get the desired 5x speedup.

function subr!(d1, nx, ny, d2)
    for iy in Int32(1):ny
        for ix in Int32(1):nx
            @inbounds d2[ix,iy] = d1[ix,iy] + ix + iy

and declaring the other ints passed in as Int32 makes it vectorize and get the speedup (Intel® Intrinsics Guide, CVTDQ2PS — Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values).

Edit: Nvm, sniped!


Great, I knew there must have been a simple solution.
Thanks to @saschatimme and @kristoffer.carlsson!

I notified the author of the benchmark.

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So, if I need speed-up in critical for loops with Float arrays, I should explicitly use Int32 instead of built-in Int64 type? And add that conversion to every index variable initialization?

It depends:

  • if you use integer just for indexing the answer is no;
  • if you use the indexing integers in a math expression involving floating point numbers, then maybe;