Hi, I’m trying to optimize a script. I first did the usual stuff to avoid memory allocation, but when moving all data structures from Float64
to Float32
, which should result in a reduced memory usage, the code has become super slow.
I’m still trying to get my head around this, but I was wondering if anyone could help me spot where my mistakes are.
Here’s the
version. Benchmarked time is0.392s
Here’s theFloat32
version. The simulation takes forever, hinting at an error during the code conversion.
Here’s an overview of the Float64
script to be optimized:
using Revise, BenchmarkTools
using ProgressMeter, Infiltrator
using Plots
const sec_in_day = 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0
const sec_in_year = sec_in_day * 365.0
const glen_n = 3.0
const ρ = 900.0
const g = 9.81
@views diff1(A) = (A[2:end] .- A[1:end - 1])
@views diff2(A) = (A[3:end] .- A[1:end - 2])
@views avg(A) = (A[2:end] .+ A[1:end - 1])./2.0
function glacier_evolution_optim(;
dx=100.0, # grid resolution in m
nx=200, # grid size
width=600.0, # glacier width in m
top_h=3000.0, # bed top altitude
bottom_h=1200.0, # bed bottom altitude
glen_a=2.4e-24, # ice stiffness
ela_h=2600.0, # mass balance model Equilibrium Line Altitude
mb_grad=3.0, # linear mass balance gradient (unit: [mm w.e. yr-1 m-1])
n_years=700 # simulation time in years
function get_mb(heights)
mb = (heights .- ela_h) .* mb_grad
return mb ./ sec_in_year ./ ρ
bed_h = collect(LinRange(top_h, bottom_h, nx))
surface_h = copy(bed_h)
thick = bed_h .* 0.0
t = 0.0
dt = sec_in_day * 10.0
years = collect(0:(n_years+1))
volume = zeros(size(years))
length = zeros(size(years))
new_thick = zeros(nx)
diffusivity = zeros(nx)
diffusivity_s = zeros(nx)
surface_gradient = zeros(nx)
surface_gradient_s = zeros(nx)
grad_x_diff = zeros(nx)
flux_div = zeros(nx-1)
mb = zeros(nx-1)
for (i, y) in enumerate(years)
let end_t = y * sec_in_year
# Time integration
while t < end_t
# This is to guarantee a precise arrival on a specific date if asked
remaining_t = end_t - t
if remaining_t < dt
dt = remaining_t
# Surface gradient
surface_gradient[2:end-1] .= diff2(surface_h) ./ (2.0*dx)
# Diffusivity
diffusivity .= width * ((ρ*g)^3.0) .* (thick.^3.0) .* surface_gradient.^2.0
diffusivity .*= 2.0/(glen_a+2.0) * glen_a .* thick.^2.0
# Ice flux in a staggered grid
diffusivity_s[2:end] .= avg(diffusivity)
surface_gradient_s[2:end] .= diff1(surface_h) ./ dx
grad_x_diff .= surface_gradient_s .* diffusivity_s
flux_div .= diff1(grad_x_diff) ./ dx
# Mass balance
mb .= get_mb(surface_h[begin:end-1])
# Ice thickness update: old + flux div + mb
new_thick[begin:end-1] .= thick[begin:end-1] .+ (dt/width) .* flux_div .+ dt.*mb
# We can have negative thickness because of MB - correct here
thick .= ifelse.(new_thick.<0.0, 0.0, new_thick)
@assert thick[end] == 0.0 "Glacier exceeding boundaries! at time $(t/sec_in_year)"
# Prepare for next step
surface_h .= bed_h .+ thick
t += dt
end # let
volume[i] = sum(thick .* width .* dx)
length[i] = sum(thick .> 0.0) .* dx
# xcoordinates
xc = collect(0:nx-1) .* dx
return xc, bed_h, surface_h, years, volume, length
end # let
function wrapper_grad(grad)
return glacier_evolution_optim(mb_grad=grad)
####### MAIN ########
# Let's test the performance
@btime xc, bed_h, surface_h, years, volume, length = glacier_evolution_optim()
Thanks in advance!