Why I still recommend Julia: how 300 lines of Julia code being 1000x faster than MATLAB's C Mex codes

I believe this is an excellent real-world example to showcase Julia’s superiority.

GaloisFieldNumbers is a reference (snapshotted) implementation that shows the beauty of Julia in 300 lines of code. It was released a few months ago in the Chinese community and was never posted here.

In summary:

  • it’s about 300 lines of code, written in about 2-3 days.
  • on CPU, it’s 1000 times faster than MATLAB’s C codes by adopting two key designs:
    • composability: scalar struct design to reuse the array implementation
    • generated function: dynamic generation of lookup-table (used by multiplication/division) without runtime overhead; this further enables SIMD.
  • it’s GPU-ready without a single CUDA.jl-related line of code. – This is because the scalar struct design is a bits type.
  • MATLAB/Python + C solution could never reach this performance (because they don’t have generated function)

Some materials are written in Chinese, and there’s also a talk about it in the JuliaCN meetup 2022 at bilibili

It’s 1000 times faster than MATLAB’s C codes

Don’t ever try to conclude that Julia is 1000 times faster than C. It’s Julia plus the code design for a very specific example that makes this possible.

I was one of the core maintainers of JuliaImages and I’ve used Julia for over five years. Now I’m working full-time at TongYuan. It’s a busy life here, and this post is written quickly without much detailed explanation (sorry… :cry: ). If you had any questions about the source codes, I’ll reply when I get available.


It might be better if you upload the video to youtube so there’ s auto subtitles.

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